Interviews and write up
This project is based on an in-class ethnographic interview conducted with a fellow class member outlining the context of family arrival in the United States drawn from the Silicon Valley region. You will conduct an in-class interview. The exercise will integrate themes and ideas outlined in the course – Ethnographic method, globalization, migration, immigration, etc. – The best interview questions are “open ended.” This means questions that cannot be answered by a Yes or No Example: Closed Question: Did you migrate to San Jose? Example: Open Question: Describe your experience with migration.
After conducting your interview and compiling your notes, write up your data. Provide a description of the person (“John is a 21 year old male college student”), present the data you collected (“John told me his family moved to San Jose from Tucson, Arizona”), and conclude with a paragraph reflecting about the process (“it was interesting to hear his family’s migration story, and made me reconsider my own”) 1 to 2 page report due next week
What is your name? Where were you born? What is your ethnicity? Regionally, where is your family from? Tell me about your family’s migration/immigration story… What generation made the move? What was special about that generation or family environment that prompted the move? Do you have family who live far away from you? If so, why? What are your feelings about immigration to the USA? What are your thoughts about illegal immigration? Immigration : is people moving and settling in a nation- state or region to which they are not native. Migration : is physical movement by humans from one area to another, sometimes over long distances or in large groups.