The Red Kayak Pages 23-42
Plot The plot is the pattern of events in a story The parts of the plot: Exposition- background details are given Conflict- the main problem in a story Rising Action- actions that build the conflict or problem Climax- the turning point of the story or the part of the story where the character meets the conflict Resolution- how the conflict is resolved
Plot Diagram Climax Rising actions Conflict Exposition Resolution
Point of View Point of view is the perspective that a story is told from First Person: the narrator is a main character in the story Third Person: the narrator is not a character in the story We gain more information when a story is told in first person because we learn what a character is doing, thinking, and feeling.
Characterization Characterization is how an author makes a character seem realistic. By looking at a character’s actions, words, thoughts, and feelings, character traits are revealed. What are some character traits of Brady? How are these traits revealed?