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DNS-for-me.org The Problem Elimination Matrix is a morphological method for finding solutions to the detail element problems in a systematic problem structure.. Problem eliminatio nmatrix Solutions for a secure room or house Problem elementsground, earth construction ground wallsroofwhole stabilitystability time Water -raining, very strong -flood, hurricane Storm - tornado, hurricane Fire - house (city, forest) Solutions for securing life in a natural catastrophe. Preparation is very important. What you needa secure place water and food medical care energytoolsprivate things Important timeline for you Fear, panic 1. Level > no time*** Find a secure place 2. Level > maybe you only have a few secounds. Preserve your private things 3. Last level > maybe you have some time – do not make a mistake.
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Contact example: I send you my idea. I`m interested in a link with my idea to facebook: I need help for my Nature Security Project. I`ll join in and work for this NPO. I`m interested to make a donation. I need help, because I had a naturecatastrophe. Other: send send > Donation Donation