Project: EU-Georgia E-Governance Facility GITI 2014 November 6 – 7, 2014 Kostas Drakas Team Leader In cooperation with
Introduction Purpose of Our Presntation The main purpose of our presentation is to promote the necessary visibility for EU and our project, and that our efforts have a positive effect to Georgia e-governance progress.
Introduction Objective and Purpose of the Project “ EU- Georgia E-Governance Facility” The overall objective of the project “ EU-Georgia E-Governance Facility” is to provide the key beneficiaries with technical assistance for the implementation of e-Government projects enhancing the functionality of Government and public institutions at central and local level to better serve the citizens and businesses. The purpose of the project is as follows: Support in implementation of the Registry of Registers and in capacity building of Computer emergency Response team (CERT) Georgia (main counterpart: Data Exchange Agency) Support in producing high quality coordinates by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) -measurements and establishment of a national reference system connected to the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989-ETRS 89 (main counterpart: National Agency for Public Registry). Support in implementation of Comprehensive Training Programme on E-Governance for civil servants and promotion thereof among public entities (main counterpart: Civil Service Bureau).
BeneficiariesIntroduction Data Exchange Agency (DEA) National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR) Civil Service Bureau (CSB) Central agencies; e-administration services users; local authorities Contracting Authority Delegation of the European Union to Georgia Target Groups
Activities in Component 1 – Data Exchange Registry (RoR) Sub-Component 1: Support to Data Exchange Environment Support DEA in the assessment of technical-regulatory framework of RoR Support DEA in the development of technical and functional specifications and requirements for RoR system Capacity Building of DEA in RoR Issues
Activities in Component 1 – Data Exchange Registry (CERT) Sub-Component 2: Strengthening Georgia’s CERT Review of the training of CERT.GOV.GE for the constituency Consultancy in building early warning system for monitoring threats Cyber Exercises Georgia Feeding database with new sources Support in joining international fora of CERTs cooperation Training Programs Georgian Cyber Security Community Study Visit Penetration tools Presentation during GITI
Activities in Component 2 – National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR) Strengthening of Geographic Information Production 2.1Development of technical specifications for establishment of a new geodetic reference system based and connected to ETRF89 2.2Development of methodology, parameters and a manual for datum transformation between the new and old reference systems 2.3Development of action plan for improvement of the vertical reference datum accessible through the CORS infrastructure 2.4Development of instructions for determination of accurate GNSS-derived heights 2.5Delivering trainings of professionals on GNSS positioning, coordinate systems and datum transformations 2.6Lunching a public awareness campaign on the geodetic reference system and CORS Workshop
Activities in Component 3 – Civil Service Bureau (CSB) Support in Establishing Common Public E-Human Resources Management Standards Support CSB in the analysis of training specific needs, develop training curricula and providing training for 150 staff of different public agencies Ethics in E-Government E-Government and Data Protection E-Government and Project Management Formulation of E-Government strategies Freedom of Information and Access to Public Documents Electronic Access to Public Information (Proactive Disclosure of Information) Guide Book on E-Participation and E-Petition
General & Horizontal Activities 3 Study Visits took place, one for DEA/RoR, One for DEA/CERT and one for NAPR Public awareness campaign activities have taken place, including joint organization of GITI 2013 and support for organization of GITI 2014, the publication of the “e-service manual for schools” targeting pupils and schools, Publication and presentation of the Guide Book for Public Servants on E-Participation and E-Petitioning for CSB, Web Site Development for NAPR, a workshop in Geodessy for NAPR, Publications of NSDI brochure and NAPR brochure for NAPR,.
After training series, participants were awarded with certificates by Mr. Boris Iaroshevitch, Deputy Head of the Delegation of European Union and Mr. Irakli Kotetishvili, Director of Civil Service Bureau.
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