THINK - ALLERGENS ALL Staff Training on EU regulations Inc ward nursing staff involved in food service
There are MAJOR changes to the information that people preparing or serving food must give to their CUSTOMERS & PATIENTS From 13th December 2014 new EU laws come into LEGAL force about allergens within foods 14 Allergens that MUST be communicated to ALL THINK - ALLERGENS
If you work with food you will have a legal responsibility to provide the correct allergens information about the ingredients that is in the food you make or serve THINK - ALLERGENS
Allergic reactions can make people very ill and can sometimes lead to death. There is no cure for food allergy The only treatment is to avoid the foods they are allergic to THINK - ALLERGENS
The Impact of Food Allergy The symptoms can include: rashes (usually very itchy) tingling sensation in the mouth swelling of the lips, tongue, face and throat difficulty breathing diarrhoea vomiting abdominal cramps and on rare occasions anaphylaxis THINK - ALLERGENS
The importance of getting it right
The EU law has listed 14 allergens that need to be identified if they are used as ingredients in a dish THINK - ALLERGENS
IF IN DOUBT ASK or DO NOT SERVE IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE The change in law means that you will no longer be able to say that you don’t know what allergens are in the food you serve IF IN DOUBT ASK or DO NOT SERVE THINK - ALLERGENS
THINK - ALLERGENS Upon Admission How can/should the information will be provided Upon Admission Sign posting – statements on menus advising patients/customers to request information Ward folders – grids of menu items and any allergens they contain Trust Intranet THINK - ALLERGENS
What do you also need to know Updates – ensure you know how the information is updated Importance of patients not sharing their food with other patients ie Birthday Cakes Adhere to Trusts policies THINK - ALLERGENS
IF IN DOUBT ASK or DO NOT SERVE Summary The information MUST be provided if the patient/customer requests Always check the list NEVER guess It is down to ALL to ensure that the patient/relatives -know to ask Know where the information can be found for your ward area IF IN DOUBT ASK or DO NOT SERVE THINK - ALLERGENS
THINK - ALLERGENS Food allergy on-line training THINK - ALLERGENS
Cereals containing gluten EU list of allergens Peanuts Nuts Milk Soya Mustard Lupin Eggs Fish Shellfish Molluscs Cereals containing gluten Sesame Celery Sulphur dioxide
A limited amount are available in hardcopy. The FSA has produced this guidance booklet to provide information on how to deal with the provision of allergen information for food sold loose. A limited amount are available in hardcopy.
This poster is also available in Bengali, Punjabi, Urdu and Chinese. ‘Think Allergy’ poster can be downloaded from the FSA website to help in situations where language may be a problem. This poster is also available in Bengali, Punjabi, Urdu and Chinese. Again this is available in hardcopy.