eBillz NGN Changes Effective from1 st July
Overview of Changes 300+ price points over 09/118/08 Changes to reduce to 80 charge groups This change affects all 08, 09 and 118 numbers
Clear and succinct advertising TCP What is the Access charge? Caller PSTN Partners Customer NGCS OCP Sets Access charge Sets service charge per range OCP – Originating Communication Provider TCP – Terminating Communication Provider
July 2015 NGN Changes Access charge and Service charge Access Charge specified by carrier (Originating phone company charge to send call to terminating party) Service Charge specified by OFCOM (Set by terminating provider delivering the service) These added together will be the Total Call Charge 0800 numbers called from a mobile will incur an additional fee for the provider of the CLI
Access and Service Charges 084s and 087s when advertised to consumers will have to have costs on them (i.e. service cost- e.g. 5ppm plus Access provider cost) No current knowledge of penalties if failure to comply with new regulations Resellers must be able to inform their customers (individuals, not businesses) of the access and service charge split if requested – this does not need to appear on the itemisation of the invoice
Dial Strings eBillz have created a new table for the NGN Dial Codes to cover the 08 & 09 dial strings along with their price point code 118 can be added when OFCOM advises us This can be maintained by the customer going forward
Price points eBillz have created the service charges table (set by OFCOM) for all 80 of the new charge groups These will be a combination of fixed and PPM charge
NGN Dial Codes eBillz can remove the old 08 and 09 dial strings and map the most common 0843, 0844, 0845 and 0870 dial strings to the new price groups (if requested)
NGN Price Groups eBillz can add the 80 new price groups to the system with descriptions eBillz has added a new price group category of NGNACC covering all 80 new price groups
Access Charge – Changes to Tariff Customers will need to add the new price groups to their current tariffs in preparation for August’s bill run As part of this change, you will need to add new rates for the 80 new price groups. You can apply a price to each price group individually, or You can apply a price to the new NGNACC price group category that will cover all of the 80 new price groups The Price is the Access charge element only
Access Charge – Changes to Tariff Call Overrides and Prom Plans will need to be re-categorised. (i.e may no long we part of the inclusive minutes) Advanced tariffing applied to the Local rate and National rate will need to be amended
Mobile charges – 0800 numbers To handle the change to 0800 numbers, eBillz will add a marker to the end of the price group in cases of mobile phones calling a free phone number This marker will allow the customer to categorise calls made from mobiles and thus allowing the customer to charge at a different price Customers will need to add this override to their billing plan or can used a blended rate Customer providing mobile minutes (i.e. calls from mobile) will need to amend their price so calls to Freephone numbers are free