BizTalk Deployment using Visual Studio Release Management Walkthrough of Visual Studio Release Management and a closer look on how to use the product to release BizTalk applications
#swebug About me Richard Hallgren CTO at iBiz Solutions På iBiz jobbar vi mycket med förvaltningsbara integrationer där releasehantering och deployment är viktiga pusselbitar. Integration Framework
Raise your hands! How many uses a Version Control System (VCS)? How many uses Team Foundation Server for VCS? How many works with Continuous Integration (CI)? How many uses Team Foundation Server for CI? How many has automated deployments? How many uses for Visual Studio Release Management (RM) for automated deployments?
Basic flow and concepts using Team Foundation Server and BizTalk VCS Build Release Team Foundation Server Build Services Deployment area Developer A Team Foundation Server VCS Visual Studio Release Management BizTalk Server Group
Scope Simple build and release cycle using TFS and RM What you (hopefully) will learn What you not learn Simple build and release cycle using TFS and RM Overview of TFS Build Services and RM Setup automated builds that generates MSI Configure RM to release BizTalk solutions The ins and outs of RM and TFS Build Services Advances release scenarios
Build Using Team Foundation Server Build Services to automate builds of BizTalk solutions
Team Foundation and Team Foundation Build Services Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Team Foundation Server Build Services Deployment area Build Definitions & source code Controller Agent Build machine Web browser En gemensam databas som innehåller allt från källkod till tasks etc. A TFS Build Definition dictates What part of the source tree to monitor What should trigger a build The actual build process and the steps How long history to keep
Build demo – Simple Build What you will see Defined a TFS Build Definition for a BizTalk Solution Trigger build and check build output and status Build - Simple Sätta upp en ny build template Gå igenom de olika stegen i en build template Byta till x86 Ange share som deploy area (\\\builds) Starta bygge Kolla build output Kolla build rapport via visual studio men också via webb Uppmärksamma på byggnummer
We need a BizTalk “deployable package” and some bindings! Problem Installing into BizTalk requires scripting or manual work When installation into BizTalk we need to add things in the right order A lot of separate dlls creates a problem … Bindings in BizTalk differs between environments Solution BizTalk MSIs have most needed functionality built-in! BtsMsiTask can generate a MSIs using MSBuild without first having to install Xml Transform task from Fråga hur många som använder MSI och som känner till BtsMsiTask?
Build demo - BtsMsiTask What you will see Build a BizTalk deployable MSI as part of TFS build process Create envrionment specific binding files using a .NET standard templating language Surfa till BtsMsiTask ( och installera BtsMsiTask Visa project filen som jag har lagt till Lägga till projekt i byggtemplate Bygg och titta på output som den får
Release Using Visual Studio Release Management to release BizTalk solutions
Visual Studio Release Management Client Release agent BizTalk Test environment Deployment area http push BizTalk Staging environment Release agent Visual Studio Release Management Service BizTalk Prod environment Release agent Release Templates A Release Templates dictates What tools should be pushed out What steps to execute for each environment
Demo – RM in 5 seconds What you will see Add your own tools needed for BizTalk deployment Create users, roles and define access in the application Define release templates for each environment Define workflows for what roles that need to approve or reject release Setup and run an artifact release Setup and run a binding release Administration: Visa koppling till TFS, användare och roller Paths: Server och olika miljöer och en möjlighet att bestämma vem som skall kunna godkänna vad Inventory: Att man kan lägga till olika verktyg. Visa att vi har lagt till två olika saker. Gå igenom tools och hur man kan lägga till egna. Visa att jag har lagt till btstask samt det script som vi kommer använda för att starta om host instancer.
What you did not see Deploy of pipeline components Deploy of non BizTalk components Advanced multi server deploys