EdS and EdD K-12 Leadership 2015 Informational Webinar Program and Application Overview
Department of Educational Leadership (LEED) Dr. Art Rouse – LEED Chair Dr. Art Rouse Dr. Kermit Buckner – EdS Program Coordinator Dr. Kermit Buckner Dr. James McDowelle – EdD K-12 Program Coordinator Dr. James McDowelle Dr. Tom Williams – Leadership Development Outreach Director Dr. Tom Williams Additional Website Information Department of Educational Leadership (LEED) ECU Graduate School Application Information Webinar Facilitators
Provide easy access to required GradApply processGradApply Compare and contrast the EdS and EdD -12 degree programs Provide easy access to detailed degree program information Provide and opportunity for general questions Provide direct contact for specific follow up questions Contact For Follow Up Information Dr. Tom WilliamsDr. Tom Williams, Director Leadership Development Outreach Mobile: Webinar Goals
Same process for both degrees Refer to the Application and Admissions Document at LEED Both application deadlines are March 15, 2015 All begins with your GradApply personal accountGradApply Requires $70.00 application fee When you application is complete, you will receive an from the Graduate School Graduate School is Graduate School Application Process
Basic Pre-requisites MSA or MA in education related area* 3 years of proven educational leadership Minimum MAT/GRE scoreat 30 th percentile Application due: March 15 th * Special admissions consideration will be given to non-traditional leaders who have an advanced degree from an accredited institution and an established record of highly effective leadership and contributions to the education sector. Interested individuals should submit a cover letter of interest and current resume to Dr. Thomas Williams, Director of Leadership OutreachDr. Thomas Williams EdS and EdD Basic Pre-requisites
Designed for working professionals 100% online delivery – Distance Education rates Cohort model – start and complete together Year 1: Starts 2 nd Summer (late June) Year 2: 1 st and 2 nd Summer/Fall/Spring/ (May Graduation) EdS Completers admitted to EdD may transfer 12 sh to EdD 38 total semester hour (sh) – 30 sh coursework – 8 sh Field Study & Internship EdS Program Highlights
Designed for working professionals Selected evening (5-7/semester) and Saturday (3-4/semester) Blended Cohort model – face-to-face & online – Distance Education Rates Year 1 Starts 2 nd Summer Session(late June)/Fall/Spring Year 2 Summer/Fall/Spring Year 3 Summer/Fall/Spring Internship/Dissertation (May Graduation) 60 semester hours – 36 sh coursework – 12 sh research courses – 6 sh internship – 6 sh dissertation EdD K-12 Program Highlights
Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) Re-visioned and redesigned EdD program ECU LEED officially admitted to CPED on March 17, 2014 Based on the “Problem of Practice” based dissertation Intended to leverage meaningful improvement at local level Application requires a 1,000 word writing sample on a potential “Problem of Practice” Year 1 Focus: Naming and Framing “Problem of Practice” Year 2 Focus: Research/Community Learning Exchange Year 3 Focus: Dissertation Completion EdD Dissertation & Framework
2015 – 1 st year of new DPI Standards-Based license requirements Optional in the EdS and EdD based on completing a web portfolio EdS Impact on Current NC Administrator’s License If Level I (012 P) to Level II (012 AP) If Level 1 (113 S) to Level II (113 AS) Earn Superintendent’s License Level II (011-S) EdD Impact on Current NC Administrator’s License If Level II (012 AP ) to Level III (012 DP) If Level III (113 S) Earn Superintendent’s License Level II (011-S) to (011-DS) Must have a NC Level 1 Administrators License to earn Non-traditional EdS and EdD students may earn degree and not a license EdS and EdD New Superintendent’s License
Thank you for attending our webinar! Please go to the LEED website to access the EdS or EdD detailed program information and a detailed guide to complete either the EdS or EdD application.LEED website If you have any questions. Please send an to Dr. Tom Williams.Dr. Tom Williams Questions?
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