Welcome! Introduction to your tutors Introduction to Oxford College of Marketing Introduction to CIM Introduction to the Professional Certificate in Marketing Introduction to study methods and assessment
Professional Certificate in Marketing Unit 1Marketing Essentials Unit 2Assessing the Marketing Environment Unit 3Marketing Information and Research Unit 4Stakeholder Marketing
Professional Certificate in Marketing Assessment: Unit 1Marketing Essentials »3-hour exam with short answer questions and three longer scenario based questions (from December 2012 exam) Unit 2Assessing the Marketing Environment »3-hour exam with short answer questions and a pre-seen case study Unit 3Marketing Information and Research »Research-based project Unit 4Stakeholder Marketing »Work-based project
Marketing Essentials The aim of this unit is: – to provide a detailed explanation of the key theories and practice behind marketing as an exchange process and a business function, but also as a means of creating customer value –to introduce the importance of the marketing planning process and the role of marketing across the organisation –to provide knowledge of the key marketing tools to support innovation through a range of marketing activities –to provide an understanding of how to utilise all elements of the marketing mix and how they can be co-ordinated to create a value proposition that reflects the organisation’s objectives
Unit Breakdown The Nature and Scope of Marketing (25%) Planning within the Marketing Context ( 25%) The Marketing Mix (50%)
Weekly sessions Come prepared with the slides for each session (part- time evening students only) Use the lecture slides as main syllabus points whilst reading around the subject Combine with extra reading from session recommendations, journals, the Internet, newspapers etc It is essential to do homework on the exam/test based units Ask questions to ensure full understanding of the concepts
Your OXCOM Learning System Should have accessed… –reading list –timetable for unit –today’s lecture notes –CIM joining instructions –timetable for the unit assessment Need to access weekly… –session outline –lecture slides –extra notes –homework questions –marked homework or model answer –CIM assessment instructions