An Introduction to Arts and Sciences GNED 101 An Introduction to Arts and Sciences
Daryl Culp Office number H439 Email Phone 416-675-6622 x8938 Course website: Course outline Assignment breakdown, late penalty Course schedule Due dates Online readings
What does it mean to be human? Psychological, sociological, political, scientific perspectives How do we know? Don Tapscott, “It’s not what you know, it’s how you think” /12/36479/Homework/Short%20W orks%20Unit/Non%20Fiction/Don%2 0Tapscott%27s%20Speech.pdf
Socrates (469-399 BCE) “the unexamined life is not worth living” Note-taking exercise: Listen to the story of Socrates and write down the 3 most important points. Jacques-Louis David, “The Death of Socrates”
Plato (428-348 BCE) Plato was a student of Socrates who wrote down his dialogues. One of the most famous is the “Allegory of the Cave.” html OdM
Reading exercise Study strategies books suggest 5 steps for reading in order to extract information from a text. 1. Survey 2. Question 3. Read 4. Recite 5. Review
The Matrix Socrates’ question has been updated in a recent movie: FF8MsqU How is the matrix like the shadows in Plato’s cave?
What do you see? Should we doubt everything? (even what we see)! paradoxes
What is real is in the mind! From the study guide: Socrates says “education” (cultural formation) is like being in a cave since childhood. Why? Pink Floyd, "We Don't Need No Education" Plato’s solution was to say that there is a reality beyond our senses. For example: think of a circle The most accurate description of a circle is the idea expressed in the equation: (x-a)2 + (y-b)2 = r2
Knowledge through senses Aristotle had the opposite idea: Aristotle: “All men by nature desire to know” Metaphysics Book 1 .1.i.html What you see is what you get!