Adjusting to death Elisabeth Kubler-Ross did some pioneering work on how the terminally ill react to their impending death Thanatology: the study of dying and death Based on interviews with 200 dying patients Kubler- Ross identified 5 stages of psychological adjustment
5 Stages Denial- most people experience shock or numbness Anger- Why me? Bargaining- “if you let me get better I will…” Depression- People become aware of the losses they will experience Acceptance- experience a sense of calm
Hospices The breakdown of the extended family and the rise of medicine insulates many people from death A movement to restore dignity in dying revolves around the concept of the hospice Hospice is a facility designed to care for the special needs of the dying Doctors in hospices do not try to prolong life, but try to improve he quality of life with the use of tranquilizers and other drugs to ease discomfort and relieve pain