2014 Role of United Nations and Universal Declaration of Human Rights Lesson Plan Academic A Date your papers: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Thursday, October 9, 2014 Friday, October 10, 2014 Monday, October 13, 2014
Day One: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---Working with your partner and using your graphic organizer notes from the previous three lesson plans, complete the Main Idea Graphic Organizer. In the THREE horizontal boxes, identify THREE different ideas that we have today that can be traced back to the Age of Enlightenment: Equality Religious Freedom Human Rights Capitalism Importance of Education Democratic Structure of Government Etc… Then in the THREE vertical boxes for each of the THREE different ideas, identify specific examples of how you can see this Enlightenment idea, belief, or practice in present American or global society. DO NOT REPEAT!
Day One: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Class: Have the some of the pairs share their ideas. Discuss which they think is most important and why. Transition to the creation of the United Nations. Class: To introduce us to the United Nations, we are going to watch a few film clips from You Tube. As we do, you are to take notes in the provided United Nations Graphic Organizer. You should take notes in EITHER PENCIL, BLACK, OR BLUE PEN. “The United Nations: It's Your World” by United Nations with running time of 6:51 minutes “Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” by jcsolomon1 with running time of 9:59 minutes
Day One: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Individual: For the rest of class, read the following pages in the class textbook and add to your United Nations Graphic Organizer Notes. You should take the Textbook Notes in EITHER RED, ORANGE, PINK, OR PURPLE PEN. “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” page 145 “Creation and Role of United Nations” pages “The UN Millennium Development Goals” Infographics Primary Source page 1052
Day One: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Homework: Continue to work on your Age of Enlightenment A through Z Review Summative Assessment following the chunking. Due Friday, October 10, 2014.
Day Two: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Class: The teacher is going to begin the United Nations PowerPoint, and you should add to the You Tube and Textbook notes in the graphic organizer. You should take notes in EITHER PENCIL, BLACK, OR BLUE PEN. Homework: Continue to work on your Age of Enlightenment A through Z Review Summative Assessment following the chunking. Due Friday, October 10, 2014.
Day Three: Thursday, October 9, 2014 Class: The teacher will finish the United Nations PowerPoint, and you should finish adding to the You Tube and Textbook notes. You should take notes in EITHER PENCIL, BLACK, OR BLUE PEN. Pairs: We will be using the Jigsaw Method. You will be assigned one of the Case Studies to read and fill out the H-O-H DISCUSSION SHEET on. You will be teaching the information to your classmates. H-O-H stands for Hands-On-History Activity. The objective is to help you feel comfortable with reading, analyzing, and discussing intelligently historical issues through different types of supplemental historical readings. I want to see evidence throughout the Case Study that you have engaged in Active Reading Strategies----you have underlined or highlighted key passages. Your comments, questions, and connections should be on the H-O-H Discussion Sheet. You should be having an “intellectual conversation” with the supplemental reading. a)Case Study Three: Human Rights b)Case Study Four: Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity Homework: Continue to work on your Age of Enlightenment A through Z Review Summative Assessment following the chunking. It is Due Friday, October 10, 2014.
Day Four: Friday, October 10, 2014 Groups: You are going to be broken up into groups with a Case Study Three Human Rights Pair being matched up with a Case Study Four Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity Pair. You will be teaching each other the material and adding to your H-O-H DISCUSSION SHEET NOTES.
Day Four: Friday, October 10, 2014 Groups: Once both pairs have finished their presentation, your group will then take the CLASS SET OF THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS and breakdown how the different ideas of the Age of Enlightenment are found in the articles. You will do this in the last part of the United Nations Graphic Organizer. You will either take a DIRECT QUOTE or PARAPHRASE from the Preamble and the Articles. Then make connections between that and what we have learned about the Age of Enlightenment. YOU MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF SEVEN!
Day Four: Friday, October 10, 2014 Universal Declarations of Human Rights AspectSpecific Enlightenment Connection Explained ---Quotes From Preamble----Main Belief or Key Idea of Enlightenment or Specific Philosophe and Belief ----Articles Summarized----Main Belief or Key Idea of Enlightenment or Specific Philosophe and Belief
Day Five: Monday, October 13, 2014 Class: The A through Z Review Summative Assessment will be collected. Groups: Finish the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Enlightenment Connections Activity. Homework: Get your notebook in order, revise all work, make sure complete. It is due the next class period Tuesday, October 14, 2014! There is no end of unit test.