Spring 2015 Florida Alternate Assessment Spring 2015 Florida Alternate Assessment Test Coordinator Responsibilities Lake County Schools 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Spring 2015 Florida Alternate Assessment Spring 2015 Florida Alternate Assessment Test Coordinator Responsibilities Lake County Schools 1

Test Coordinators Role Manage the process of distribution and collection of test materials and enforce security measures at the school Manage the process of distribution and collection of test materials and enforce security measures at the school 2

Security Maintain security of all materials before, during, and after testing. Maintain security of all materials before, during, and after testing. Read Test Security Policies and Procedures on pages of the Spring 2015 Procedural Manual Operational Assessment. Read Test Security Policies and Procedures on pages of the Spring 2015 Procedural Manual Operational Assessment. Have everyone involved in testing sign the Security Agreement in Appendix B, page 51. Have everyone involved in testing sign the Security Agreement in Appendix B, page 51. 3

Security (cont.) Review Security Protocol with your Test Administrators Review Security Protocol with your Test Administrators Sign testing materials in and out Sign testing materials in and out Keep testing materials in locked storage while not in use Keep testing materials in locked storage while not in use If any breach of security or administration occurs contact the Testing Office ASAP If any breach of security or administration occurs contact the Testing Office ASAP 4

Security #’s Keep list of security numbers to account for each secure document (Test Booklets and Answer Documents) Keep list of security numbers to account for each secure document (Test Booklets and Answer Documents) 5

Security Checklists Sample on page 15 (One for Test Booklets and Answer Sheets and another for Auxiliary Materials. Sample on page 15 (One for Test Booklets and Answer Sheets and another for Auxiliary Materials. Does not have security numbers listed Does not have security numbers listed List the #s assigned to each student List the #s assigned to each student If you order additional materials, list them as well If you order additional materials, list them as well Have the Test Administrator (TA) sign out secure materials received/Test Coordinator (TC) will sign in materials Have the Test Administrator (TA) sign out secure materials received/Test Coordinator (TC) will sign in materials Auxiliary Kits do not have #s but must be signed in and out as well Auxiliary Kits do not have #s but must be signed in and out as well 6

Materials Spring 2015 Procedural Manual Spring 2015 Procedural Manual Florida Alternate Assessment Administration Manual Florida Alternate Assessment Administration Manual Test Booklets- one Per Student Test Booklets- one Per Student Auxiliary Materials Set- one or more Per Grade Level Auxiliary Materials Set- one or more Per Grade Level WHITE ENVELOPE will contain: WHITE ENVELOPE will contain: PreIDed Answer Sheets- one Per Student PreIDed Answer Sheets- one Per Student Non-PreID Answer Sheets Non-PreID Answer Sheets Security Checklists Security Checklists Florida Test Security Statute & Rule and Test Admin & Security Agreement Florida Test Security Statute & Rule and Test Admin & Security Agreement Teacher Letter (regarding Surveys for them after the test) Teacher Letter (regarding Surveys for them after the test) Return Materials Kit (Gray Envelope inside White Envelope): Return Materials Kit (Gray Envelope inside White Envelope): –School Coordinator Responsibilities After Testing –Document Count & Return Summary Form –Cover Sheets for returning answer sheets –Light Blue Labels- TO BE SCORED –Light Green Labels- NOT TO BE SCORED –TO BE SCORED return envelope for Answer Sheets –District Coordinator ONLY envelope –Do Not Disturb Sign 7

Materials (cont.) Inventory materials against your packing list as soon as possible Inventory materials against your packing list as soon as possible Report any missing materials ( Paula) Report any missing materials ( Paula) Decide if any additional materials are necessary and order them Decide if any additional materials are necessary and order them 8

Test Booklets Test booklets have been collated specifically by grade and form type to ensure that approximately half of the students across the State will receive Form A of the assessment and the other half will receive Form B. Unless only one student is being tested in a grade level, test booklets MUST be assigned to students in the following sequence for each grade level: A, B, A, B, etc. or B, A, B, A, etc. The key is to alternate form types from one student to the next within each grade level instead of using all Form A test booklets first and all Form B test booklets last 9

Ordering Materials Send order forms to Jason Moose at Send order forms to Jason Moose at You should receive a reply indicating if the item is in district overage or has to be ordered from the testing company. You should receive a reply indicating if the item is in district overage or has to be ordered from the testing company. Allow 4 day turn around for items that are not in overage. Allow 4 day turn around for items that are not in overage. Secure Items cannot be sent in JR Secure Items cannot be sent in JR 10

Defective Materials Return Defective Test Books and Auxiliary Materials with Not to Be Scored materials Return Defective Test Books and Auxiliary Materials with Not to Be Scored materials Defective Answer Sheets should be replaced with a blank non-PreIDed Sheets. If used already, transfer items to a new doc. Then grid the defective document DNS bubble (bottom of sheet) and return with the TO BE SCORED materials Defective Answer Sheets should be replaced with a blank non-PreIDed Sheets. If used already, transfer items to a new doc. Then grid the defective document DNS bubble (bottom of sheet) and return with the TO BE SCORED materials 11

Before Testing Read the Spring 2015 Procedural Manual Read the Spring 2015 Procedural Manual Test Administrators have been trained to administer this test by ESE Department, however, review proper testing protocol you require: security procedures, material handling, etc. Test Administrators have been trained to administer this test by ESE Department, however, review proper testing protocol you require: security procedures, material handling, etc. You may check out materials to the TAs prior to testing so they may familiarize themselves with the materials, however, all materials must be checked in to the TC daily and kept secure You may check out materials to the TAs prior to testing so they may familiarize themselves with the materials, however, all materials must be checked in to the TC daily and kept secure 12

Before Testing (cont.) Verify that the students participating are coded as such in the AS400 (702 screen at the bottom under FC- should be coded with a Y if taking the FAA) Verify that the students participating are coded as such in the AS400 (702 screen at the bottom under FC- should be coded with a Y if taking the FAA) Verify that all student demographic info on the Answer Sheets are correct. Refer to the Florida Alt Assessment Admin Manual (pg for detailed instructions on filling in demographic info for Non Pre-ID answer sheets) Verify that all student demographic info on the Answer Sheets are correct. Refer to the Florida Alt Assessment Admin Manual (pg for detailed instructions on filling in demographic info for Non Pre-ID answer sheets) Collect and file security agreements for one year Collect and file security agreements for one year 13

During Testing Ensure that test security procedures are followed Ensure that test security procedures are followed Track materials distributed and returned Track materials distributed and returned Secure materials between testing Secure materials between testing 14

VERY IMPORTANT: Every Answer Sheet MUST have the Test Form Code bubbled: Every Answer Sheet MUST have the Test Form Code bubbled: 15

After Testing Verify that all materials were returned Verify that all materials were returned Verify that all Test Form Codes were filled in Verify that all Test Form Codes were filled in Make copies of Security Checklists (one for you, one to return to District Coordinator) Make copies of Security Checklists (one for you, one to return to District Coordinator) Verify that all Non-Pre ID sheets that have been bubbled are complete- WITH Primary Exceptionality filled in Verify that all Non-Pre ID sheets that have been bubbled are complete- WITH Primary Exceptionality filled in 16

Primary Exceptionality Codes to Use: **Demographic Info instructions are on Page of Test Administration Manual 17

Prepare TO BE SCORED Documents Stack TO BE SCORED Documents in this order and with these cover sheets: Stack TO BE SCORED Documents in this order and with these cover sheets: - Completed Answer Sheets by grade level (lowest to highest grade) Place cover sheet in appendix C “Completed Answer Sheets” on top of the stack -Pre-ID sheets not used (with bubble gridded noting reason not tested) Place cover sheet “Reason Not Assessed” on top of stack -Do Not Score Sheets (with DNS gridded) Place cover sheet “DNS” on top of stack -Unused non-PreIDed Answer Sheets- Place cover sheet “Unused Answer Sheets” on top of stack 18

Prepare TO BE SCORED Documents (cont.) Complete one Document Count Form for all grade levels and document types (make a copy of this to keep) Complete one Document Count Form for all grade levels and document types (make a copy of this to keep) Place the original Doc Count Form on top of the stack of TO BE SCORED answer sheets Place the original Doc Count Form on top of the stack of TO BE SCORED answer sheets Place the TO BE SCORED stack in the white envelope Place the TO BE SCORED stack in the white envelope Do NOT Seal the envelope- Testing will check them all and seal Do NOT Seal the envelope- Testing will check them all and seal Place a light blue label on bottom, right corner of envelope/s Place a light blue label on bottom, right corner of envelope/s Use space on the envelope to mark number of envelopes ___ of ___. Use space on the envelope to mark number of envelopes ___ of ___. 19

Prepare NOT TO BE SCORED Materials Place NOT TO BE SCORED Materials in boxes in this order Use same boxes you received your materials in : -Auxiliary Materials (11”x 17” Response Booklets, Passage Booklets and Cutout Cards Packet, and Cutout Strips Packet) -Test Booklets (used and unused) -NO ANSWER SHEETS in NOT TO BE SCORED BOX! -Seal box -Place a light green label on top of the box -Mark the number on the label __ of __ 20

District Coordinator ONLY Envelopes Copy of the security checklists Copy of the security checklists Copy of Document Count & Summary Form Copy of Document Count & Summary Form Unused return labels, unused Doc. Count Sheets, unused cover sheets Unused return labels, unused Doc. Count Sheets, unused cover sheets (Shred Administration Manuals at your site) *Original security checklists/signed security agreements should be filed for a year at your site* 21

Important Dates February 23: School pick up materials February 23: School pick up materials March 2 - April 3: Test Window March 2 - April 3: Test Window April 10: Return TO BE SCORED, NOT TO BE SCORED and District Coordinator Only Envelope to Eustis Testing Office 9:00-12:00 April 10: Return TO BE SCORED, NOT TO BE SCORED and District Coordinator Only Envelope to Eustis Testing Office 9:00-12:00 *If you complete testing earlier, you are welcome to return materials- call or first* 22

Questions Test Administration Questions- contact Cheryl Bishop with the ESE Department Test Administration Questions- contact Cheryl Bishop with the ESE Department Procedural Questions- contact Paula Wicker with Testing( or ) Procedural Questions- contact Paula Wicker with Testing( or 23