Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration HAA Data Collection for Congressional Mandate OpSpec A021- Air Ambulance Operations- Helicopter Amendment OSWG AFS-250 FAA October 8, 2014 Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Aviation Administration 2 Operations Specification Working Group October 8, 2014 REASON FOR AMENDMENT The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (Title III – Safety, § 44731) Congressional mandate Annual submission of report on industry
Federal Aviation Administration 3 Operations Specification Working Group October 8, 2014 REPORT CONTENT –Data to be collected (8 items): Flight requests that were declined Aircraft N-Number Time of Day of Dispatch Total Flight Time IFR Time Helicopter Base Location Instances of non-dispatched arrivals at scenes without subsequent patient transport Flight Type (e.g., scene response, inter-facility transport, organ transport, ferry flight or repositioning flight)
Federal Aviation Administration 4 Operations Specification Working Group October 8, 2014 A021 AMENDMENT k. In compliance with Title 49 U.S.C , Collection of Data on Helicopter Air Ambulance Operations, all Part 135 certificate holders utilizing this operations specification shall report flight operations data in the Helicopter Air Ambulance (HAA) Reporting Data Spreadsheet.
Federal Aviation Administration 5 Operations Specification Working Group October 8, 2014 A021 AMENDMENT (C0NT’D) Order 8900, volume 3, Chapter 18, Section 3, Inspector Guidance contains details regarding the submittal spreadsheet, types of data required, methodology for recording, and means for submission of annual reports.
Federal Aviation Administration 6 Operations Specification Working Group October 8, 2014 A021 AMENDMENT (C0NT’D) Reports shall be compiled annually beginning with calendar year 2015, and submitted not later than 30 days following the close of the calendar year.
Federal Aviation Administration 7 Operations Specification Working Group October 8, 2014 SUBMITTAL Pg 1
Federal Aviation Administration 8 Operations Specification Working Group October 8, 2014 SUBMITTAL Pg 2
Federal Aviation Administration 9 Operations Specification Working Group October 8, 2014 SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS
Federal Aviation Administration 10 Operations Specification Working Group October 8, 2014 A021 GUIDANCE 8900 volume 3, Chapter 18, Section 3, Inspector Guidance contains details regarding the submittal Spreadsheet, types of data required, methodology for recording, and means for submission of quarterly reports.