Teacher Education through School-based Support in India Teacher Education through School Based Support in India TEC14, Hyderabad
Collaborative approach to teacher development Centrality of valuing the voices of Indian teachers and an appreciation of their educational context A suggestive approach that inspires rather than being prescriptive and exhaustive. Provides the ‘seeds for adaptation and adoption. Promotes reflection and sharing of practices /experiences.
The OER Materials Takes the form of a resource or tool kit Supports and speaks directly to the teacher Builds mutual respect between teachers and students Promotes active engagement of students Focuses on transferable classroom techniques Includes many practical activities and dialogue Stands alone and also complements other forms of training Assessment an integral part of teaching-learning
Process of Material Development Gathering a bi-national writing team Scoping what is required (policy[ NCF 2005 & NCFTE 2009], research, experiences of teachers & teacher educators) Outlining a syllabus for each subject set( classroom techniques) Writing each unit as a team, peer reviewing and reworking Circulating the first draft to critical readers in India and UK Using the feedback to inform writing of the second draft Preparing the audio visual content- Indian classrooms Development testing of the materials in Indian classrooms Publiction of the English Units Making them available in multiple formats: in print, online, on CDs, on SD cards for mobile phones
The OER Units are: OERs are : LIVE Free Open, represent shells written initially in English to be translated and localised. Criticality of OER localisation to fit different teaching and learning contexts- to reflect local cultures, customs school traditions.Capacity building of those involved integral to the process. Evolving (Assume adaptation and amendment)
Localisation of OERs Identification and Constitution of State Resource groups/teams ( subject specific) in collaboration with SCERT, SSA & RMSA other key institutions. Conduct of a Series of Subject specific Workshops for refining and localizing OER units by the SRGs (SLEs, SLMs, Experts) Integrating videos, case studies, reference to NCERT textbooks, photographs etc into the Units. Vetting and approval by SLMs and Review Committee
Example content from Elementary English (1) EE 02: English emergent literacy: songs, rhymes and word play: Activity 5 EE 15: Everyday English: using the community as a source: Activity 1
Example content from Elementary English (2) EE 15: Everyday English: using the community as a source: Activity 5 EE 6: Reading English: shared reading and guided reading: Resource 2
Example content from Secondary English (1) SE 02: English in the Classroom: Case study 1
Example content from Secondary English (2)-- SE 6: Helping students write independently: Resource 1 SE 12: Teaching literature: Activity 5
Tools and vehicles The units represent both tools that can be employed according to their users’ differing needs and contexts, and vehicles for creating supplementary units to extend what is currently available. As such, they place their end-users at the centre of their creation, enhancement and deployment, in a collaborative, needs-driven, iterative process. NOT AN END IN THEMSELVES
Material Usage by States : Possibilities Pre- Service Teacher Education ( Modules/ Supplement/Practicum) In- service Teacher Education Programs (SCERT/DIET etc) On line Courses Open Universities/ ODL Contact Trainings of HTs/ Principals / State administrative cadre DEOs/BEOs and others Incorporation into training modules Conducting discussion & dialogue in BRC/ CRC meetings on classroom pedagogic practices Promote academic support in classrooms.
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