Session 6 Common Problems Associated with Writing Learning Outcomes Comments from your reports
Common Problems : 1.Language is too vague or too specific for course level 2.Use of unclear words and phrases 3.There are too many learning outcomes 4.There are too many verbs in one learning outcome 5. Overuse of the same verb 6.Inappropriate cognitive level 7.Use of progression 8.Learning outcomes are not realistic 9.Learning outcomes that are not, or cannot be, assessed
Course Constructive Alignment Template Intended Learning Outcomes AssessmentTeaching & Learning Activities On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to: Continuous Assessment? Percentage % Final Examination – Format? % Pass Standard Penalties Total grade Assessments types Rubrics What will the students do to learn? Teaching methods Class activities
Eligibility requirements for NCAAA academic Acc. 1.Program authorized 2.Eligibility application 3.Program specification (report template) 4.Course specification (sample of 3 CS from each level) 5.Description of the course, program requirements and regulations 6.Annual course (sample) 7.Program reports (last two years repots) 8.Student evaluation survey results (repot) 9.Graduated students, evaluations available (report) 10.Program advisory committees (report + sample) 11.Indicators and benchmarks (report) 12.Consistency with qualifications framework (report) 13.Self evaluation scales (template) 14.Self study report (template) 15.Strategic Plan (College/ Program+ Institutional) 16.Strategic plan for Quality Assurance (summary concern each Program)
The most important comments on Learning and Teaching 1.It is important to elaborate more with clear evidence and report about how the Program achieved the Learning Outcomes at courses level and Program level. 2.Sub-standards are need more clarifications with additional discussions and evaluation and should contain a summary concerning each Program. Clarify the use of KPIs with benchmarking and analysis. It is important to link the discussion with suitable and updated evidences and these evidences should be reported with specific details in the SSR. 3.KPIs ’ information which reflects the success of the learning outcomes of the Programs should be reported in details. 4.Programs should provide detailed report about benchmarks. Which KPIs were being utilized in this benchmarks process? 5.Sub-standards 4.1, the overall Program learning outcomes should be consistent with the NQF.
6.Subsection 4.6 Quality of Teaching: Updated evidence is required on quality of teaching. 7.Reports on Employer Survey and Alumni Survey analysis are required. 8.Results and statistics for Student Survey, Course Evaluation Surveys, Students Experience Surveys, Alumni and graduates Surveys and Employers Survey are required and should reported in details. 9.The updated Program Five Year Plan must be enclosed with this SSR as evidence and a point of reference. 10.Using the NCAAA KPI ’ s for standard (4) is highly recommended.
Conclusion Thank you for your time and reflections Dr. Gregory J. Maffet Dr. Nasser M. Sarhan