Islamic University of Gaza Electrical Engineering Department
2 Linear Control Systems EELE 6301 By Basil Hamed, Ph. D. Control Systems Engineering By Basil Hamed, Ph. D. Control Systems Engineering
3 Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Linear Control Systems EELE 6301 Prerequisite: EELE 3360 or consent of instructor Instructor: Basil Hamed, Ph.D. Control Systems Engineering Office: B251 WebSite: : Ext Meeting: Saturday2:00-5:00 (I 608) Course Syllabus
4 Course Description: Mathematical representations of systems, feedback control systems, frequency response and transient response, Stability; Steady state errors; Root locus theory and sketching Design via Root Locus, Frequency Response Technique, Design via Frequency Response, Design via State Space, and controllability, observably, introduction to control system; design PID control.
5 Course Syllabus Text Book: Control Systems Engineering, 6th Edition by Norman Nise References: Feedback Control Systems by C.L. Phillips, R.D. Harbor, Third edition Feedback Control of Dynamics Systems, G.F. Franklin, J.D. Powell and A. Emami-Naeini Linear Control Systems: Analysis and Design..J. D’Azzo and C.H.Houpis, Linear Systems Theory, F. Szidarovszky and A. Terry Bahill Modern Control Engineering, 4th Edition, K.Ogata, Automatic Control Systems by Benjamin C. Kuo, Eigth edition
6 Course Objectives The objectives of this course are to: Help students to be familiar with the fundamental concepts of Control Systems Theory; Foster competence in recognizing the feasibility and applicability of the design and implementation of control systems (that employ linear system) for specific application areas; and Help students develop a sufficient understanding of control system design methodology and how it impacts system design and performance
7 Materials Covered: Modeling in the Frequency Domain & Time Domain Stability Time Response Steady-State Errors Root Locus Techniques Design via Root Locus Frequency Response Techniques Design via Frequency Response Design via State Space Design via PID
8 Course Intended Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to: Find the steady-state error for unity & nonunity feedback systems Use the root locus to design compensators to improve the transient response and steady-state error Find the closed-loop frequency response given the open-loop frequency response Use frequency response techniques to adjust the gain to meet a transient response specification Design a state-feedback controller using pole placement for systems represented in phase-variable form to meet transient response specifications Design PID controller
9 Course Syllabus Grading System: Homework 10 % Project & Presentation 20 % Mid term Exam 25 % (15/11/2014) Final Exam 45 % ( 3/1/2015) Office Hours: : Saturday, Monday, Wednesday (10:00-11:00, 1:00-2:00) Saturday (12:00-2:00) Open-door policy, by appointment or as posted.
10 Homework There will be several homework assignments/computer projects during the term. These assignments will require students to program in MATLAB or a similar language. Students can seek help and work together on homework and projects, but each student must turn in his/her own write-up.
11 Projects Students will be required to develop an application of Control Systems to a problem of their choice. They will prepare a paper, including a survey of current literature, and make a presentation to the class. Students should work alone and are encouraged to use material related to their research activities. Projects must be approved by the instructor.
Computer Usage Extensive use of MATLAB or LabVIEW for computer aided analysis and simulation. The digital computers used are IBM PC Pentium compatible, these are available in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Students are required to use these tools and equipment for special project and homework development. 12
13 Signals LTI System H(z) G(z) +
14 What is a Control System A Process that needs to be controlled: –To achieve a desired output –By regulating inputs A Controller: a mechanism, circuit or algorithm –Provides required input –For a desired output Required Input Desired Output Process Output Controller
15 What is a System? System: Block box that takes input signal(s) and converts to output signal(s). Continuous-Time System: System InputOutput
16 Closed Loop Control Closed-loop control takes account of actual output and compares this to desired output Measurement Desired Output + - Process Dynamics Controller/ Amplifier OutputInput Open-loop control is ‘blind’ to actual output
17 Model of Control System Environment Sensors ActuatorsSignal Capture Control Mechanical System Disturbances Noise Desired System Performance
18 Digital Control System Configuration
Control Control: Mapping sensor readings to actuators –Essentially a reactive system Traditionally, controllers utilize plant model –A model of the system to be controlled –Given in differential equations Control theory has proven methods using such models –Can show optimality, stability, etc. –Common term: PID (proportional-integral-derivative) control
21 See You next Saturday