Social Studies Unit 3 Lesson 3 Progress As A State
What Are We Going to Learn? How did the issue of slavery affect New Jersey? How did New Jersey grow and change in the early twentieth century? How did New Jerseyans meet challenges during dificult times? How had New Jersey changed by the end of the 1900s?
Lesson 3 Vocabulary Munitions- reform- to improve neutral- Not choosing one side Munitions- war materials
Lesson 3 Vocabulary stock- depression- unemployed- A share of ownership in a company depression- a time when there are few jobs and people have little money unemployed- To be out of work
Lesson 3 Vocabulary Ration To control goods
How did New Jerseyans meet challeges during difficult times? Lesson 3 How did New Jerseyans meet challeges during difficult times?
World War I 1911- Woodrow Wilson became NJ governor Reformed (improved) government in the state His efforts made him popular and he became President in 1912. 1914- War broke out in Europe, United States stayed neutral by not choosing a side.
New Jersey in the War New Jersey produced munitions to send to Europe during the war. They used ships to send them. 1917- German submarines attacked the ships that were sending supplies. President Wilson decided because of this we cannot stay neutral and on April 6, 1917, U.S. declared war on Germany.
New Jersey in the War NJ sent 130,00 soldiers to fight in the war. Women @ War- served in the military as nurses and radio operators. Women @ Home- took over many of the jobs left by men New inventions led to many deaths and in November 1918 Germany surrendered.
How did World War I affect New Jersey? Question Time! How did World War I affect New Jersey?
Stock Market Crash- October 1929 Good Times and Bad Stock Market Crash- October 1929 Stock prices began to fall. People rushed to sell their stock (and get their money back) before prices fell even more. So many stocks were sold that stock prices crashed, or fell very low. Most stocks became worthless. Banks closed because people couldn’t pay back what they owed.
Good Times and Bad cont. Stock Market Crash led to a depression. There were few jobs and people had little money. It was so bad it became known as the “ The Great Depression” Many New Jerseyans lost their jobs and their homes as more businesses closed. 1932- 15 million people were unemployed, or out of work.
The New Deal 1932- Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President. He had a plan to end The Great Depression All banks closed. Only strong banks could re-open. Social Security was set up for unemployed and elderly people. Works Progress Administration- gave people jobs and built roads, bridges, schools, parks, and swimming pools. Also gave to actors, writers, and artists.
The New Deal cont. Other ways the Depression ended: Another war was forming in Europe and the United States was asked to make war supplies again. This led to hiring new workers Jobs created by WWII ended the Depression
Question Time! How did World War II help end the Great Depression? BRAINPOP!!
World War II Attack on Pearl Harbor Speech 1939- WWII began in Europe December 7, 1941- Japanese bombed United States in Pearl Harbor, and U.S. became involved in the war. Attack on Pearl Harbor Speech
Soldiers and Industry 560,000 from New Jersey fought in WWII NJ served as place to train soldiers Fort Monmouth- Long Branch Fort Dix- Trenton Camp Kilmer- New Brunswick Many industries in NJ took part in the war effort Picatinny made explosives Camden & Newark Shipyards built destroyers and battleships Curtiss-Wright produced airplanes engines and propellers
After the War World War II ended in 1945 AFTER… World leaders decided it was time to talk about peace United Nations- main goal is to prevent another world war. New roads (NJ Turnpike and Garden State Parkway) were built, which made it easier to travel into suburbs. Many businesses moved out of cities too.
Question Time! How did World War II change New Jersey?
Lesson Review How did the Great Depression, World War I, and World War II affect industries in New Jersey?