Data Teams and TIPS Processes Multi-Tiered System of Support
Objectives Participants will understand the MTSS process including the steps utilized to review universal screening and progress monitoring data Participants will be able use the problem-solving process to support student needs
MTSS Processes
Current Processes How do you currently: determine those students who need interventions and progress monitoring, determine those students who are supported by a PEP, complete the PEP paperwork (include the form used), and complete Individual student problem solving (who is on the team, how often does it meet, etc.)?
Goals of MTSS Being prevention oriented: knowing who needs support as early as possible each year and putting those supports in place Implementing evidence-based interventions for all students and tailoring interventions based on student’s needs Using progress monitoring data to know when to make a change in instruction
Universal screening or progress monitoring data indicates student is at risk for developing difficulties and may need additional supports
Data team meets to determine specific areas of need for groups of students and intervention to support student
Structuring Team Meetings: Using Student Data EC PLC Focuses on students not making progress with current interventions Includes academic and social-emotional indicators Determines specific needs of individual students through the TIPS problem-solving model Considers possible student referrals May include the IEP team IPS Team meeting Focuses on students not making progress with current interventions or those who need immediate support Includes academic, behavior, and social- emotional indicators Determines specific needs of individual students through the TIPS problem solving model Data Team Meeting Focuses on all students Includes academic, behavior, and social- emotional indicators Determines needs of individual students looking at needs of small groups
Intervention is implemented. Strategic or progress monitoring is completed by the interventionist. Parent letter is sent home and signed.
Data is reviewed after 6 to 10 weeks of intervention implementation If…Then… Data points are consistently below the goal line Consider implementing the intervention with more intensity Data points are consistently above the goal line Consider increasing the student’s goal Student’s trend and goal lines are aligned Continue with the intervention until goal is reached Student’s trend line is below the goalConsider either changing the intervention or the intensity of the intervention
Data is reviewed after 6 to 10 weeks of intervention implementation
Communicate with Parents Send home parent letter if changes have been made
Student Reaches Goal
Data indicates student needs additional support and individual problem solving is necessary Individual Problem Solving Team (IPS Team)
Process Data Team MeetingInterventionsData Team Meeting IPST Process Decision
TIPS Processes
PurposeTo problem solve and determine next steps for students in need of additional support (Tier 3) Focus AreasProblem Solving Model (IPS Team) Students needing additional support who are not responding to Tier 2 interventions Students with an IEP who demonstrate an additional need - IEP team may determine additional data is needed and requests information from IPS Team through problem-solving process All areas: behavior, socio-emotional, academic, health, etc. FacilitatorIPS Team Facilitator WhoFluid Teams (determined by student needs) FrequencyDependent upon need, standing dates IPS Teams
How does this happen? IPS Team Calendar
September Tasks Identify core IPS Team members Enter team member names in Google DocGoogle Doc Identify meeting days, times, etc. and add to master calendar Complete Site-Based Data Accessibility Worksheet Identify Content Specialists
How does this happen? IPS Team Process
Meeting Preparation
Schedule IPS Team meeting with key people Core IPS Team members Staff members who work with student Content specialists Submit Form O to school nurse Send home Parent Notification and Parent Input forms Review completed parent questionnaire Have student’s teacher complete Teacher Input Form
Step 1
Roles and Responsibilities Be sure that at the table you have: Facilitator Data Analyst Minute Taker Staff members who work with student Content specialists
Process Ella’s situation Discuss situation in mock meeting Capture meeting in writing Review sample
Ella’s Situation General Information Fifth Grade Student Passed her hearing and vision screenings Parent Notification form sent Parent Input Form sent
Ella’s Situation Current Data Data SourceThird GradeFourth GradeFifth Grade Math EOG Percentile20128 Reading EOG Percentile Discovery Education Math (Operations, Base Ten, Fractions, Measurement and Data, Geometry) Level 2 Discovery Education ReadingLevel 2 Reading Comp Level 1 Reading Comp Level 2 Reading Comp DisciplineReferral for Insubordination No referrals Attendance3 absences, 4 tardies 2 absences, 1 tardy 4 absences, 0 tardies
Discuss Situation Based on the information shared, what is the overall problem/concern for this student? What questions do you have about Ella? What do you want to know more about? How might you obtain the information/data? Who would be responsible for obtaining that information/data? When will the information/data be obtained?
Capture Meeting Review pages 1 and 2 of the IPS Team Meeting Form and note the sections for capturing: Question and ConversationSection of Form Based on the information shared, what is the overall problem/concern for this student? State problem/concern for this student based upon current data What questions do you have about Ella? What do you want to know more about? How might you obtain the information/data? Who would be responsible for obtaining that information/data? When will the information/data be obtained? Table below: Identify additional information/data needed to further define the problem/concern
Review Sample Review pages 1-3 of the sample. Discuss: In what ways do these pages capture the conversation you had about Ella? How does this information guide your next steps to support the student? What do you notice about the specificity of the information?
Step 2
Ella’s Situation: Information Gathering Plan: Report Out Review pages 4 and 5 of the Sample to analyze the results of a variety of additional data sources regarding Ella’s needs (Table: Who shared and what were the results?)
Discuss Situation Based on the information shared, answer the following questions with your team: Who is having the problem? Are there others who are commonly associated with the problem? What is the problem? When is the problem occurring? Where is the problem occurring? Why is the problem occurring? Then, write a precise problem statement using this information to capture the primary concerns for Ella.
Discuss Situation Once you have written the precise problem statement, discuss the answers to the following: What interventions will be put in place that you think will have the desired outcome? Who will implement the interventions? When will the intervention be put in place? What is the goal of the intervention? When will the team meet again to determine if the intervention is effective? How will fidelity be determined? What data will measure intervention effectiveness? How often will data be gathered? Who will review and report the data?
Capture Meeting Review pages 3 and 4 of the IPS Team Meeting Form and note the sections for capturing: Precise problem statement Documentation of interventions Who When Goal and Timeline Fidelity Effectivess
Review Sample Review pages 6-8 of the sample. Discuss: In what ways do these pages capture the conversation you had about Ella? How does this information guide your next steps to support the student? What do you notice about the specificity of the information?
Step 3
Ella’s Situation: Monitor Impact of Solution and Compare Against Goal Solution Action (Intervention)Results Model Drawing, 3 times per weekPartial Fidelity of Implementation Improved but not to Goal Dreambox for additional 90 minutes each week Partial Fidelity of Implementation Improved but not to Goal Teacher attention signalImplemented with Fidelity Improved but not to goal Affirmative to Corrective feedback in coreImplemented with Fidelity Improved but not to goal Discuss Situation: Use this information and the Decision Making Tree to determine the next steps for Ella and the team.
Capture Meeting Review pages 6 of the IPS Team Meeting Form and note the sections for capturing the information about fidelity shared at the meeting.
Review Sample Review pages of the sample. Discuss: In what ways do these pages capture the conversation you had about Ella? How does this information guide your next steps to support the student? What do you notice about the specificity of the information?
IPS Team Purpose Step 1Step 2Step 3 Turn to someone next to you and explain the purpose of each one of the steps of the IPS Team meeting.
Questions, Comments, or Concerns
Next Steps AudienceDatePurpose MTSS CoachesSeptember 24Overview of MTSS Elementary Assistant Principals October 7Review data team meeting with PM data Lead TeachersOctober 17Initial Training Elementary Assistant Principals November 6Check-in on data teams and IPST processes