Human Resources Division Affiliate Academics Proposed changes to current processes
Human Resources Division Affiliate Academics Process pre-August 2014 ECA receive form from department and departmental cost code for billing ECA create R/L record and send letter to individual ECA ask Finance to set-up customer code ECA send manual request to Finance to raise invoice once customer code received ECA send invoice to Affiliate Academic ECA raise credit notes if required (non-starters etc.)
Human Resources Division Affiliate Academics Issues (since introduction of MyFinance) ECA staff do not have access to MyFinance or use for any other application ECA staff do not have access to departmental codes and information about new customers Some delays in requesting a customer code and raising invoices As interim measure Finance Manager for HR is now raising new customer codes and raising invoices
Human Resources Division Affiliate Academics Reasons for proposed changes Raising invoices are part of normal financial transactions Funds go to departments Departments can easily access their own codes Departments are best placed to action credit notes if employee does not commence Numbers are normally limited to only 2 or 3 academics per department per year
Human Resources Division Affiliate Academics Outline or proposed changes & next steps Proposed that departments raise invoices in line with normal MyFinance procedures HR will continue to put on Resource Link and continue to deal with any Tier 5 applications that are needed Review whether departments are best placed to make the formal as well as informal offer (review is part of business process review being undertaken in Q by a business analyst of HR processes) Formal proposal by June HR/Finance will continue to manage cases in the interim