BIRTHDAY – OTANJYOOBI おたんじょうび Q: When is your birthday? Otanjyoobi wa itsu desu ka. To answer, let’s learn the months and dates first.
MONTH gatsu がつ 月 EnlishJapanese JanuaryIchi gatsu FebruaryNi gatsu MarchSan gatsu AprilShi gatsu MayGo gatsu JuneRoku gatsu JulyShichi gatsu AugustHachi gatsu SeptemberKyu gatsu OctoberJuu gatsu NovemberJuu ichi gatsu DecemberJuu ni gatsu 1. Write all the months in Kanji e.g. January = 一月 2. Now practice telling someone that your birthday is in which month. tanjoubi wa month desu. (My) birthday is in month.
D ATES FOR THE FIRST TEN DAYS EnglishJapanese FirstTsuitachi SecondFutsuka ThirdMikka FourthYokka FifthItsuka SixthMuika SeventhNanoka EighthYouka NinethKokonoka TenthTooka After the tenth day: Number + nichi 日 Nichi日 =day Eg. 15 th – juugo nichi 23 rd - nijuusan nichi Exception: 14 th – jyuuyokka 20 th – hatsuka 24 th - nijuuyokka
Now try to put the month and dates together : Q: Otanjoubi wa itsu desu ka. Itsu = when A: My birthday is ____(month) ____(date) Tanjyoobi wa ____gatsu ____nichi desu. Task: Ask three people in the class when their birthdays are. Tanjoubi omedetou = Happy Birthday
W RITE DOWN THE DATES IN ENGLISH FOR THE FOLLOWING 1. Ni gatsu yokka 2. Yon gatsu futsuka 3. Roku gatsu juu san nichi 4. Juu gatsu ni juu roku nichi 5. 一月三日 6. 三月十一日 7. 五月二十五日 8. 十一月十九日 9. 七月三十日