EE/CS 120A Lab 4 LAB 3 report due on this Friday 2:00pm
Last week Part1 (optional) Lab 3 BCD to 7 Segment LED display BCD Control which one will be turned on Implement on FPGA
This week Flight Attendant Call System (demo & simulation) Rising-edge Detector (demo & simulation) Lab 4 LED Display Time-Multiplexing Circuit (simulation) Lab 4 report due on Next Friday 2:00pm 2/13/2015 2:00pm
Check out connecting wires Room: 137 Palve
Flight Attendant Call System 3 inputs: Call, Cancel and CLK 1 output: LED
Caution Function generator (rightmost) Square waveform Output voltage CANNOT greater than 3.3V Set between 3-3.3V Otherwise, it will burn your FPGA!!
Flight Attendant Call System Lab manual: Truth table (transition table) schematic Equations UCF file simulation (for Question part)
Rising-edge Detector 2 inputs: signal input and CLK 1 output: LED If the CLK is slow enough, why we only can use switch, instead of button?
Rising-edge Detector Hint: At least 3 states Double think Design by yourself: State diagram truth table(transition table) Equations Schematic simulation UCF Demo Hint: At least 3 states Double think Don’t go to
LED Display Time-Multiplexing Circuit How to display different number on each 7 segment LED? Answer: time multiplexing NOTICE!! Here “0” means on “1”means off For more information, read lab1 manual
LED Display Time-Multiplexing Circuit HEX_TO_LEDSEG (lab manual) Mux (ISE) Decoder (ISE) Wire splitter (slides) Clock_counter_4state (by yourself)
LED Display Time-Multiplexing Circuit VHDL code on lab manual
LED Display Time-Multiplexing Circuit MUX Can be found on “symbol”by typing “M4_1E” Rename it as Mux(7:0) to make It can receive bus data
LED Display Time-Multiplexing Circuit Decoder Can be found on “symbol”by typing “D2_4E”
LED Display Time-Multiplexing Circuit Wire_spliter Design by yourself See next slides
How to create a wire spliter
LED Display Time-Multiplexing Circuit Clock_counter_4state Design by yourself
Further reading On ilearn Important Read it before part 3
Common mistake Remember create different project for each part !! Set right FPGA parameters when create new project Remember create different project for each part !!
Lab manual Circuit & UCF Loading bit file Show me
THANKS Email: Research Lab WCH 234