CSS Box Model An CSS Primer Tutorial
Project 04 Open Finder or Windows explorer and path the folder where you store your class project work. Make a copy of your project-03 folder, naming it project-04. Open Dreamweaver, Click Manage Sites Option under the Site Menu. Duplicate your Project 03 site, naming it Project 04. Edit the root folder for Project 04 site so that it points to the new folder you just created by duplicating project-03; which should be a folder named project-04. Open the server settings and empty the initial folder field and save the server settings. Click the Connect to Server button to connect to the server and click the Expand Button on the Files panel so you are viewing the Remote and Local side by side. Add a new folder to the Remote Server named project-04. Now, open your site again using the Manage Sites option and change the Initial Folder setting in your Server to project-04 and click Test Connection. If successful, click save and such.
The Box Model Open index.html and make sure you are in Split View. Right below the filename, there is an option to select styles.css versus Source Code. Select styles.css. Now follow along to add some padding, margin and borders to some or our basic block elements in our page. You will continue creating basic styles to complete project 4 to match the provided mockup.