Why was Singapore chosen as a trading settlement by the British Why was Singapore chosen as a trading settlement by the British? Explain your answer.
INTRODUCTION: establish the focus of your essay
I define the key word “chosen” I define the key word “trading settlement” The British selected Singapore to set up a place for trade due to several reasons. The first was the British’s need to break the Dutch monopoly. The second was Singapore’s geographical location and the last reason was due to Singapore’s natural harbour. I introduce Factor 1, 2 and 3. Each factor is a reason why Singapore was chosen as a trading settlement
Establish the first factor
I clearly state what the first factor is The first reason why the British selected Singapore as a trading settlement was because of their need to break the Dutch monopoly. This monopoly was the Dutch right to control trade in South East Asia and was interfering with British trade. I define what this first factor “need to break Dutch Monopoly” is. My examples are based on this.
Provide Examples of this first factor
I give examples related to my first factor I give examples related to my first factor. This is the first part which is about the British need to break Dutch monopoly Britain was concerned about losing its trade in Asia and needed to find a new base to break the Dutch Trade monopoly. The Dutch right to control trade in South East Asia was because the Dutch navy could deploy from its ports at Batavia and Melaka to prevent British ships from passing through the Straits of Melaka and Sunda or force British ships to stop at the Dutch ports. This example is also related to my first factor and is about what the Dutch monopoly was
Explain the significance of the example to this first factor and the question
I explain how Singapore could help prevent British ships from being forced to stop at Dutch harbours The British ships no longer had to stop only at the Dutch ports of Batavia and Melaka. Singapore was located close to both the Straits of Melaka and Sunda. These were the two routes that the British ships had to take. With Singapore, the British now had a friendly port for British ships to stop at. My explanation is based on the examples I chose earlier. This section is based on the example of the Dutch forcing British ships to stop at Dutch ports
I explain how Singapore could help prevent British ships from being harassed by the Dutch Navy With Singapore being near to the centre of trade and trade routes taken by British trading ships, the British could quickly send out their British warships and protect its trading ships from any interference by the Dutch Navy. Singapore also allowed the British to control the southern entrance to the Straits of Melaka and break the Dutch trade monopoly over that travel route. My explanation is based on the examples I chose earlier. This section is based on the example of the Dutch being able to send out its navy.
Summarise how your entire factor answers the question (ATQ)
I repeat what my first factor was about to remind the marker of what I was writing about in my first factor paragraph Thus, Singapore was selected by the British as a trading settlement port because it could fulfil their need to break the Dutch monopoly. This was because Singapore provided a friendly port by which the British could nullify the Dutch right to control trade in South East Asia. I use this to remind the marker that I did not just write about the first factor but also WHY the first factor made the British select Singapore as a trading settlement, thus proving that my first factor paragraph does ATQ.
Establish the second factor
I clearly state what the second factor is The second reason why the British selected Singapore as a trading settlement was because of Singapore’s geographical location. This was where Singapore was situated in the region. I define what this second factor ‘geographical location’ is. My examples are based on this.
Provide examples of this second factor
Singapore was centrally located along the main India-China trade route used by British ships. It was within a week’s sail of China, and in the very heart of the Malay Archipelago. This example is related to my second factor as it shows Singapore’s geographical location.
Explain the significance of the example to this second factor and the question
I explain how Singapore’s central location (heart of the Malay Archipelago) along the main India-China trade route used by British ships helps British trade. Due to Singapore’s central location in the region, British trading ships could stop at Singapore to conveniently trade, rest and replenish food and water. This allowed the British trading ships to carry more trading goods rather than supplies and thus generate more trade profit.
I explain how by being within a week’s sail of China, Singapore helps British trade. Chinese goods could be quickly brought over to Singapore and traded with Indian goods. British ships need not make the full trip from China to India and vice versa. Shorter trips meant more journeys which would translate into more trade profit.
Summarise how your entire factor answers the question (ATQ)
I repeat what my second factor was about to remind the marker of what I was writing about in my second factor paragraph Thus, Singapore was selected by the British as a trading settlement port because of its geographical location which could assist in British trade and increase trade profits for the British. I use this to remind the marker that I did not just write about the second factor but also WHY the second factor made the British select Singapore as a trading settlement, thus proving that my second factor paragraph does ATQ.
Establish the third factor
I clearly state what the third factor is The third reason why the British selected Singapore as a trading settlement was due to Singapore’s natural harbour. This was the characteristics that Singapore had which allowed British trading ships to stop over in Singapore. I define what this third factor ‘Singapore’s natural harbour’ is. My examples are based on this.
Provide Examples of this third factor
Singapore had a broad sandy bay, a safe harbour at the mouth of the Singapore river and a plentiful supply of good drinking water. This example is related to my third factor as it shows the features of Singapore’s natural harbour.
Explain the significance of the example to this third factor and the question
I explain how the plentiful supply of drinking water helps British trade. I explain how the safe harbour helps British trade. I explain how the broad sandy bay of the harbour helps British trade The broad sandy bay provided a flat ideal place to build a settlement that would assist and promote trade. Facilities could be easily built for ships to dock, refit and replenish. The harbour could protect trading ships from stormy winds who would wait for the storm to stop before safely continuing their journey along the trade routes. The plentiful supply of drinking water could replenish water for the trading ships. This made Singapore attractive to trading ships as it provided a safe place for them to stop, rest and trade.
Summarise how your entire factor answers the question (ATQ)
I repeat what my third factor was about to remind the marker of what I was writing about in my third factor paragraph Thus, Singapore was selected by the British as a trading settlement due to its natural harbour. This made it suitable for trading ships to safely stop and rest and carry out trade. I use this to remind the marker that I did not just write about the third factor but also WHY the third factor made the British select Singapore as a trading settlement, thus proving that my third factor paragraph does ATQ.