Group-III Seed Rolling Plan- Rajasthan Seed Replacement Rate (%) and Seed Distribution Plan Targeted SRR (%) Season Rabi Seed Distribution Plan (Lac qtls.) Rabi
Seed Rolling Plan Seed Production Plan (Lac Qtls) YearPublic SectorPrivate Sector Total (Public+Private) Rabi
Seed Rolling Plan Seed Production in the State (Lac Qtls) YearPublic SectorPrivate SectorTotal (Public+Private) Rabi PlanProduction Plan ProductionPlanProduction (Expected) Due to adverse climatic condition (excess rains at the time of harvesting ) seed production programme during kharif 2013 was adversely affected. The actual quantity of certified seed produced during kharif 2014 would be available after final certification by RSSOPCA. The sowing of Rabi crop would be commenced during October therefore, the quantity of seed expected to be produced during Rabi would be assessed after completion of sowing.
Seed Rolling Plan Crop wise Seed Production Plan-Rabi (Lac qtls) S. No Crop PublicPrivateTotalPublicPrivateTotal 1Wheat Barley Gram Mustard Taramira Total
Seed Related Issues Like NFSM-pulses, more than 10 years old varieties (up to 15 years) of Wheat, Barley & Mustard crops may also be allowed for cluster demonstration & subsidized seed distribution during Rabi under NFSM, RKVY & NMOOP. Like NMOOP, production subsidy on pulses & cereals should also be given. This will be helpful in enhancing production of seeds.