Ch 11: Correlations (pt. 2) and Ch 12: Regression (pt.1) Nov. 13, 2014
Hypothesis Testing for Corr Same hypothesis testing process as before: 1) State research & null hypotheses – –Null hypothesis states there is no relationship between variables (correlation in pop = 0) –Notation for population corr is rho ( ) –Null: = 0 (no relationship betw gender & ach) –Research hyp: doesn’t = 0 (there is a signif relationship betw gender & ach)
(cont.) The appropriate statistic for testing the signif of a correlation (r) is a t statistic Formula changes slightly to calculate t for a correlation: Need to know r and sample size
Find the critical value to use for your comparison distribution – it will be a t value from your t table, with N-2 df Use same decision rule as with t-tests: –If (abs value of) t obtained > (abs value) t critical reject Null hypothesis and conclude correlation is significantly different from 0.
Example For sample of 35 employees, correlation between job dissatisfaction & stress =.48 Is that significantly greater than 0? Research hyp: job dissat & stress are significantly positively correlated ( > 0) Null hyp: job dissat & stress are not correlated ( = 0) Note 1-tailed test, use alpha =.05
Regression Predictor and Criterion Variables Predictor variable (X) – variable used to predict something (the criterion) Criterion variable (Y) – variable being predicted (from the predictor!) –Use GRE scores (predictor) to predict your success in grad school (criterion)
Prediction Model Direct raw-score prediction model –Predicted raw score (on criterion variable) = regression constant plus the result of multiplying a raw-score regression coefficient by the raw score on the predictor variable –Formula b = regression coefficient (not standardized) a = regression constant
The regression constant ( a ) –Predicted raw score on criterion variable when raw score on predictor variable is 0 (where regression line crosses y axis) Raw-score regression coefficient ( b ) –How much the predicted criterion variable increases for every increase of 1 on the predictor variable (slope of the reg line)
Correlation Example: Info needed to compute Pearson’s r correlation xy(x-Mx)(x-Mx) 2 (y-My)(y-My) 2 (x-Mx)(y-My) Mx= 3.6 My= 4.0 0SSx= SSy= 16SP = 14.0 Refer to this total as SP (sum of products)
Formulas for a and b First, start by finding the regression coefficient (b): Next, find the regression constant or intercept, (a): This is known as the “Least Squares Solution” or ‘least squares regression’
Computing regression line (with raw scores) X Y SS Y SS X SP mean Ŷ = (x)
Interpreting ‘a’ and ‘b’ Let’s say that x=# hrs studied and y=test score (on 0-10 scale) Interpreting ‘a’: –when x=0 (study 0 hrs), expect a test score of.688 Interpreting ‘b’ –for each extra hour you study, expect an increase of.92 pts
Correlation in SPSS Analyze Correlate Bivariate –Choose as many variables as you’d like in your correlation matrix OK –Will get matrix with 3 rows of output for each combination of variables Notice that the diagonal contains corr of variable with itself, we’re not interested in this… 1 st row reports the actual correlation 2 nd row reports the significance value (compare to alpha – if < alpha reject the null and conclude the correlation differs significantly from 0) 3 rd row reports sample size used to calculate the correlation
Simple Regression in SPSS –Analyze Regression Linear –Note that terms used in SPSS are “Independent Variable” (this is x or predictor) and “Dependent Variable” (this is y or criterion) –Class handout of output – what to look for: “Model Summary” section - shows R 2 ANOVA section – 1 st line gives ‘sig value’, if <.05 signif –This tests the significance of the R 2 for the regression. If yes it does predict y) Coefficients section – 1 st line gives ‘constant’ = a (listed under ‘B’ column) –Other line gives ‘unstandardized coefficient’ = b –Can write the regression/prediction equation from this info…