SKILLS ASSESSMENT PREPARATION: MATH NEWNHAM & YORK LEARNING CENTRE AGENDA FOR WORKSHOP Introduction Purpose for testing Testing conditions Useful links Testing types: Arithmetic Algebra Technical Math Select practice problems
Tool to determine academic placement; All new Seneca students take placement tests; Is done after acceptance to the program; First-semester timetable depends on assessment I NTRODUCTION Why skills assessment?
Please Note scrap paper is not permitted You may use the paper you receive, during the exam, as scrap paper Calculators are not permitted You are not allowed to use a calculator during the exam Cellphones or other communication devices are not permitted in the Test Centre Length of Math Examination English/Math testing – approx. three hours Important Information
Arithmetic (17 questions) Operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, division With whole numbers; With fractions; With Decimals General number facts Arranging in order Rounding Estimating Percent calculations Applications and problem solving Arithmetic Testing
Number Expressions with absolute value Operations with integers and rational numbers Operations with roots (radicals) and simplifying expressions with radicals Expressions Evaluating Solving equations Solving and graphing Inequalities Adding and subtracting polynomials Solving quadratic equations (by factoring) Word problems Translating written phrases into algebraic expressions Solving word problems Solving verbal problems presented in an algebraic context Algebra Testing (14 questions)
Basic geometric facts: The sum of internal angles in a triangle, rectangle The area formula for a rectangle, square, triangle, circle The idea of perimeter Basic number facts and properties Division by zero is not permitted Square root of negative numbers is not permitted Properties of Operations Exponent properties Operations with negative numbers Order of operations Percent Converting between fractions, decimals, and percent Calculating percent of a number, what percent is a number, and of what number is given percent Arithmetic and Algebra general expectations
TEST TERMS/ FORMAT 40 min long, 30 multiple choice questions Calculators are not permitted Technical Math (CAT3 Level 19 Test) For Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Technology students ONLY - Canadian Achievement Test 3rd Edition – CAT3 - Mathematics
Expressions Evaluating Solving equations Adding and subtracting polynomials Multiplying binomials Word problems Translating written phrases into algebraic expressions Solving word problems Solving verbal problems presented in an algebraic context Proportional reasoning questions (rates and proportions) Graphing Slope Increasing and decreasing relationships Reading from and interpreting bar graphs, histograms, and other Technical Math (CAT3 Level 19 Test)
General Expectations Basic geometric facts: The sum of internal angles in a triangle, rectangle The area formula for a rectangle, square, triangle, circle The idea of perimeter Basic number facts and properties Division by zero is not permitted Square root of negative numbers is not permitted Properties of Operations Exponent properties Operations with negative numbers Order of operations Percent Converting between fractions, decimals, and percent Calculating percent of a number, what percent is a number, and of what number is given percent. Technical Math (CAT3 Level 19 Test)
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