GIS and Agriculture
GIS and GPS GIS- A GIS is computer system capable or capturing, storing, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced information. GPS-The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information anywhere on or near the Earth. Geographic Information stored in 3 layers : Points ( Wells) Lines (Stream, Canals, Roads) Polygon (Agri. fields, Ponds)
Possible GIS data layers for Agri. HydrologyElevationSoilsInfrastructureLand Use [Canal, River, Lakes, Ground Water etc.] [1 to 90 meters above sea level from south to north-DEM] [Sandy, Sandy loam, Sandy clay, Loamy sand etc] [small irrigation and drainage, access road, market centers etc.] [Agricultural, Forest, Fishery]
Soil Texture and Agri. Land use Source: BARC Source: Banglapedia
Cropping Pattern by Land types Data source :CROP DIVERSIFICATION IN BANGLADESH - M. Enamul Hoque, DAE, Dhaka Map source: Banglapedia
Major Crop Production Area Map
Major Crop Production Irrigation Coverage 100% 50%-25% Below 25%
How GIS data can be collected Primary Data Capture (first-hand collection) Digitizing GPS collections Aerial photographs Remote sensing data
How GIS data can be collected Secondary Sources : Administrative Boundaries Water bodies Roads Land use pattern Altitude/Contour
Software/Hardware used GIS and GPS Software used: Arc GIS 10 Arc View GIS 3.2 Topo 4.0 (Magellan Triton 300 GPS Receiver) GIS and GPS hardware used PC GPS Receivers Plotter A3 Printer