WACCBIP Update Gordon A. Awandare (PhD) West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens
Administrative Set up secretariat o Administrator o M & E officer o Accounts officer o Procurement officer o ICT officer MoUs have been signed by 8 collaborating partners o 3 National partners o 5 Regional partners
Existing programmes o Masters in Biochemistry o Masters in Molecular Biology o PhD in Biochemistry Two new specialized programmes o MPhil in Molecular Cell Biology of Infectious Diseases o PhD in MCBI National Accreditation o New programmes assessed and awaiting approval International reviews and Accreditation o The ITC of ASCB reviewed and advised on all new curricula o Visit by the Society of Biology, UK later this year subject to availability of funds Academic quality
Training Activities 1 st cohorts of students have completed course work o 15 PhD students o 21 Masters students 2 nd cohort of students recruitment in progress o Nationals (54); 25 females, 29 males o International (16); 4 females, 12 males Run a workshop on Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis and Diagnostics of Neglected Tropical Diseases in July 2014 o Second workshop scheduled for July 2015 o short research training visits o Six (6) outward to international partners o one (1) inward from Malian partner
External Revenue Generation Awarded grants o Noguchi Graduate Research Scheme – 6 MPhil students awarded o DANIDA-Malaria Vaccine Research and Capacity building in Ghana – full scholarships for 4 PhD Students o 2 Royal Society/Leverhulme Grants – scholarships for 2 PhD students o AMMS – scholarship for 1 PhD student WACCBIP- Wellcome Trust DELTAS Africa Initiative o Pending outcome of interview results
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