Proposed Amendments to TEACHNJ Educator Evaluation Regulations August 2014
2 Summary As the result of conversations with teachers, administrators, and other education stakeholders, the Department is proposing targeted changes to the way that student achievement measures are factored into educator evaluation over the next school year. These proposed amendments primarily address: – Component weights of teacher and administrator evaluation – A Student Growth Objective (SGO) and Administrator Goal review process for the evaluation cycle
3 Agenda Proposed Changes Proposed Regulations for
4 Student Growth Objective and Administrator Goal Score Review : Student Growth Objective (SGO) and Administrator Goal Score Review Process SGO Review: If a teacher’s SGO score is the sole reason that his or her summative rating dropped from Effective to Partially Effective or from Partially Effective to Ineffective, the educator will be eligible to ask for an expedited review of the rating. Administrator Goal Review: If a principal’s Administrator Goal score is the sole reason that his or her summative rating dropped from Effective to Partially Effective or from Partially Effective to Ineffective, the educator will be eligible to ask for an expedited review of the rating.
5 Teacher Evaluation Weight Changes SY Proposed SY SGP teachers Non-SGP teachers SGP teachers Non-SGP teachers Student Achievement SGP30%0%10%0 SGO15% 20% PracticePractice Instrument 55%85%70%80%
6 Principal Evaluation Weight Changes SY Proposed SY Multi- grade SGP principals Single- grade SGP principals Non-SGP principals SGP principals Non-SGP principals Student Achievement SGP30%20%0%10%0% Administrator Goals 10%20%40%30%40% SGO Average10% PracticeEvaluation Leadership Rubric 20% Practice Instrument 30%
7 Agenda Proposed Changes Proposed Regulations for
8 Notable Requirement Changes TopicN.J.A.C. Originally Proposed Change ProposedRationale Appealing summative rating score due to SGO/Admin. Goal Score 6A: (f) 6A: (f) N/AWeight shall be adjusted by a chief school administrator or the Commissioner, as applicable To allow for SGO appeals process in limited circumstances Changing weight ranges for teachers 6A: (c)140-50%30-50%To allow for change in SGP and SGO weights for Changing weight ranges for administrators 6A: (c)120%-40%10-40%To allow for change in School-wide SGP weights for Changing date for setting of weights 6A:10-4.1(c)April 15August 31To allow for more time to determine proper weights on a yearly basis