Introduction Understanding “The Why” Gr 3-5 Curriculum Map Introduction Understanding “The Why” This professional development is an opportunity to collaboratively build a conceptual understanding of “what” the Curriculum Map is and “why” it is being developed. LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Objectives & Expectations Participants will: Explore collaboratively the “why” and “what” of the gr 3-5 Curriculum Map Understand the purpose for developing the Curriculum Map Establish a starting point for use of the Curriculum Map Expectations & Objectives It is important that participants go through an explorative process around understanding the purpose and use of the Curriculum Map. As facilitator you will utilize guiding questions to support participants in gaining understanding. This practice is a shift: from giving information and “telling” verses allowing for collaboration and discussion and participants coming to understanding together using the guiding questions and materials provided. Room environment should be set as to allow for collaborative groups. LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Curriculum Mapping: ELA – HSS – SCI – Art - Integrated ELD Curriculum Mapping: ELA – HSS – SCI – Art - Integrated ELD Preparation: (Have chart paper ready for groups. Copy Gr 3-5 Curriculum Map Overview/Year At A Glance and attach to the top of each sheet of chart paper. Consider to have about 5 in each group. Cross grade level would make the discussion more rich.) This is the Gr 3-5 Curriculum Map Overview or Year At A Glance. It can be found on the Elementary Language Arts website: LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Curriculum Map: Getting at the “WHY” Looking at the Overview page only: Conceptually, what do you notice? Describe what this may represent. Questions Each group of 5 will have a chart paper to discuss the following guiding questions. Explain that each group should spend some time reading/viewing the Curriculum Map that is attached to their chart. Have them create a T-chart resembling the graphic on the ppt. Each group will discuss “Conceptually, what do you notice?” And “Describe what the map and parts of the map represent.” record their findings to the guiding questions. Any questions that come up in the discussion should also be recorded on the T-Chart. Give them 15-20 minutes to discuss. LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support The Why As stated in the Common Core State Standards Introduction: “The Common Core State Standards set requirements not only for English Language arts (ELA) but also for literacy in history/social studies, science, and Technical subjects. Just as students must learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use language effectively in a variety of content areas, so too must the Standards specify the literacy skills and understandings required for college and career readiness in multiple disciplines.” Pause the group, but you can have them remain at the chart paper. Ask them to read the following excerpt taken from the CCSS Introduction. After reading the quote, ask the group which words, phrases stand out. Words and phrases that we are looking for: “Requirement not only for ELA, but also for literacy/social studies, science, and Technical subjects.” LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Curriculum Map: Getting at the “WHY” Adding insights after reading CCSS Introduction: Conceptually, what do you notice? Describe what this may represent. Questions Have participants return to their chart and add any new information that may have surfaced after having read the excerpt from the CCSS Introduction. LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support Share Out! One representative at each chart Each representative shares out points from chart As representative shares out, others check off points shared Only share “new information”, not what has been shared already Share out the information on the charts. One representative at each chart. As the representative shares, the other representatives check off those points that they hear being shared that are on their chart as well. When it is time for them to share, only share “new information”, not what has been shared already. LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Organization of the Document II - Maximum Guidance & Flexibility: A cross-curricular frame for: Ensuring multiple content areas are addressed Developing cross-curricular units of study Teaching and practicing of the three writing Common Core genres in multiple content areas Creating meaningful practice opportunities for language skills including Speaking and Listening across content areas Sum Up Slide: This slide reiterates what has probably been shared out from the charts. It is a frame that allows teachers to utilize, to assist in planning. Planning emphasis on literacy throughout the content areas. Ensuring multiple content areas are addressed Developing cross-curricular units of study Teaching and practicing of the three writing Common Core genres in multiple content areas Creating meaningful practice opportunities for language skills including Speaking and Listening across content areas This Frame allows teachers flexibility to use in a way that best meets the needs of students. Anchor Text is available: Teachers developed Close read lessons utilizing Evidence-based Questions with Treasures main selections LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Organization of the Document I – Maximum Accountability: Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium ELA (SBAC) SBAC: California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CASPP) Interim Writing Assessments Early Literacy Assessments (DIBELS Next…) Preparing students for College and Career Readiness While the use of the Curriculum Map is flexible, the accountability and outcomes are not. These are what is true for us around accountabilities. LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Nonnegotiable Aspects of Instruction Achievement of the SBAC Claims and Targets Foundational Skills Continuum K-5 Language Development (Integrated & Designated) What must be taught in order to reach those accountabilities are the following: Achievement of the SBAC Claims and Targets Foundational Skills Language development LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support Curriculum Mapping: ELA – HSS – SCI – Art - Integrated ELD Grade 5: Cycle 1 This is an example of the 5th grade Cycle , Relationships How might we prepare students to be College and Career Ready, proficient at meeting the CCSS? Perhaps we might backwards plan. Let’s take a look the Interim Assessment 1, which is the text structure, Narrative. What would need to be instructed for students to achieve proficiency on this Interim assessment? LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
2014-15 – LAUSD ELA Interim Assessment Blueprint What would need to be instructed for students to achieve proficiency on this Interim assessment? Importance of backwards planning… To assist with this, a blueprint was developed. LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Curriculum Mapping: ELA – HSS – SCI – Art - Integrated ELD Curriculum Mapping: ELA – HSS – SCI – Art - Integrated ELD The HSS/Science Culminating Integrated Unit is another place to look. We will explore that. LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
5th Grade CCSS Content Integration Performance Task What are students expected to know and be able to do? Pass out the MEM-6242.0 You need only copy the standards pages if you’d like. Ask the question: What are students expected to know and do? Give time for participants to read the standards addressed in the unit. LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
CCSS ELA & History-Social Science Standards MEM-6242.0 LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Science & Visual Arts Standards LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
5th Grade CCSS Content Integration Performance Task What are the implications for instruction throughout the year? After participants had a chance to read through the standards as: What are the implications for instruction throughout the year? Possible responses: The importance of teaching the content area standards all year long! Beginning to teach literacy through the content areas. Language development happening throughout day across the content areas LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support Curriculum Mapping: ELA – HSS – SCI – Art - Integrated ELD How might the Gr 3-5 Curriculum Map assist teachers? This is an example of the 5th grade Cycle , Relationships The implications for instruction and connection to the curriculum map… So, How could the Gr 3-5 Curriculum Map support teachers in doing this? It is a frame that allows teachers to hook into the content areas or disciplines, ensuring language development is in place for access to content, and literacy skills present to allow students to gain meaning of what they are learning in and through text, speaking and listening, as well as written forms. LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Understanding “The Why” So now let’s read the purpose and contents of the curriculum map. This captures the points that we discovered through our collaborative exploration today. Highlight any key understandings. LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Starting Point & Resources Start Smart Instructional Routines & Procedures Backwards Planning: Interim Assessment Blue Print CCSS Content Integration Performance Task Where might we start with use of the Gr 3-5 Curriculum Map? Here are some suggestions and resources! LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Starting Point & Resources Use of the Close Read Lessons Utilizing Evidence-based Questions Use of Foundational Skills Continuum LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support Curriculum Mapping: ELA – HSS – SCI – Art - Integrated ELD Grade 5: Cycle 1 This is an example of the 5th grade Cycle , Relationships Click for arrow: Anchor Text is available: Teachers developed Close read lessons utilizing Evidence-based Questions with Treasures main selections. When you click on Anchor Text” it will bring you to the Anchor Text selections. Each selection has a Text Complexity Placemat which determined the complexity of the text and what qualitative features that particular text would best address. Directly connected to the Text Complexity Placemat is a teacher created Close Read Lesson utilizing evidence-based questions. A Foundational Skills Scope and Sequence is available when you click on “Scope” A Foundational Skills Continuum is available when you click on “Sequence” LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Thank you and Remember: LAUSD Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support