Validating Screencast Training Test Security Agreement All test chairpersons must complete and fax the Test Security Agreement form attached to Briefing # xxxxx no later than Wednesday, January 16, Online test units will be released once the security forms are submitted to our office at
PERT Updates PERT is no longer required for placement in Florida Colleges, if a student holds a standard Florida high school diploma Also applies to active duty members of any branch of the U.S. Armed Service. Developmental Education Exemptions (Florida College System) Exemption provisions in Senate Bill 1720 effective Spring 2014 Full implementation in Miami Dade College in the Fall of 2014.
PERT Updates Continued…..
PERT Platform Update
Who is Eligible to Take the PERT Eligible 11 th Grade Students Required to test are current 11 th grade students who scored: Level 2 or 3 on the grade 10 FCAT Reading 2.0 and/or Level 2, 3 or 4 on the Algebra I End of Course (EOC) Exam Principals will be ed a roster of the targeted group during the week of January 5 th, Other Students who may Test: Students who may be eligible for the Dual Enrollment program Students who are attempting to satisfy the Algebra I EOC assessment portion for graduation requirements by obtaining a score of 97 on the PERT math. Please note: College Readiness scores, including PERT will not be included in school grade calculations beginning in the school year.
The PERT Testing Window 11 th Grade Target Group During the month of February 2015 All testing must be completed by Thursday, June 4, 2015.
Subtests to Administer Eligibility CriteriaPERT Subtest(s) to Administer Grade 10 FCAT Reading, Levels 2 or 3 Reading and Writing Algebra I EOC, Levels 2, 3, or 4 Mathematics BothReading, Writing and Mathematics
PERT Accommodations Who is eligible? ESE students with current IEPs Section 504 students ELL students Special Formats: Paper version Large print paper version with large print answer document Braille Reminder: A separate test administration manual is available for the administration of the special forms as the administration and return of these materials varies.
Retesting PERT Policy Students may retake a PERT subtest if: Documentation that alternative remediation has occurred since prior attempt The student has taken one of the five “developmental education requirement” courses. At least six weeks has elapsed between PERT administrations. This policy includes students testing for dual enrollment and for meeting the graduation requirement on the Algebra I
College Readiness Scores Effective on or After October 22, 2013 AssessmentReadingWritingMathematics FCAT N/A ACT1917 English 19 SAT440 VerbalN/A 440 Math CPT83 Sentence Skills 72 Elementary Algebra PERT College readiness scores will not be used in the school grade calculations beginning the school year College Readiness Scores Before October 22, 2013 AssessmentReadingWritingMathematics ACT18 PERT
Uploading New Student Information Adding New Students To add new students, provide the required information via to McCann Submit the student list using the Excel template from the next slide. The file must be encrypted with a password in a follow-up to preserve student The following information must be provided to add a new student: Institution (Miami-Dade, Florida) Site (School name and location) Name (first, middle initial, last) Student’s Florida ID Date of Birth Gender Ethnicity
PERT New Student Template
Ethnicity Codes Valid Student Codes TypeCodeLabel Ethnicity Code 52 American Indian or Alaska Native 53Black or African American 54Mexican or Mexican American 55Puerto Rican 56 Other Hispanic, Latino, or Latin American 57 Asian, Asian American or Pacific Islander 58White 59Other 60Multicultural 61I choose not to answer
Sample Parent Letters Sample parent letters in 3 languages are available from the FLDOE and posted on the Test Chairperson link of our website The letters notify parents of the following: Electronic Devices are prohibited Academic Honesty is expected Students will be required to read the Privacy Policy online prior to testing
Training Test Administrators Test security agreements must be signed by all trained test administrators and maintained at the school for your records Only certified teachers may administer a PERT test and additional proctors are strongly encouraged in labs with more than 25 students Seating charts must be maintained for all testing rooms. Forms: Security Log PERT Testing pg. 15 of the PERT Paper and Pencil Test Administration Manual To be used by personnel assigned to monitor the room for ANY length of time. Student Sign-in Sheet pg. 16 of the PERT Paper and Pencil Test Administration Manual To be used by students to sign-in when they are administered a test.
Training Test Administrators Continued… Required materials and reminders Scratch paper for math subtest Access keys PERT Security Log Student sign-in sheets No hand held calculators may be provided
Setting Up Computers Student workstation set up in ‘Kiosk’ mode Procedures are provided in the ARDA website at: DCPSBasicConfiguration.pdf DCPSBasicConfiguration.pdf M-DCPS microsystem technicians will set up Charter schools must ensure proper set up
Branching Profiles Branching Profiles (Test) PERT math PERT math accessibility PERT reading PERT reading accessibility PERT reading and writing PERT reading and writing accessibility PERT reading writing math PERT reading writing and math accessibility PERT writing PERT Writing accessibility
PERT Access Keys Access keys are required for the student to launch each test or a combination of tests Provided by the district Given to student by the test administrator Sets of Access Keys Initial access keys Retake access Please contact Student Assessment and Educational Testing at if you need assistance with obtaining the access keys
Student Tickets Procedures for printing student tickets Print student lists found in the Site Administrator Tab “Administer Tests” Select “Student Login” “Search” and “Select All” to create a full list of all students to be tested. At the bottom of the page, select export option “Excel” Group designations of students for separate testing sessions may be done at the school site using the downloaded excel file. Create tickets using the Avery Wizard software for labels or any other software. Avery Wizard may be downloaded at: Grade level Added to local background questions for students to answer.
Student Tickets Continued… Tickets can be printed on a label template by selecting the ticket size your wish to create. Print on standard paper Cut to size Reminder: Test Administrator must verify tickets against student school photo ID when distributing if they do not know the students in the test session they are overseeing.
Student Login Credentials Student login credentials must be placed in ‘Active’ Status All login credentials should be ‘Deactivated’ anytime other than during a testing session. Student Tickets must be collected at the end of each testing session.
Invalidations Document the invalidation at your school site Complete the PERT Report for Test Irregularities/Security Breaches/Invalidations found on the test chairperson website and it to
GPA Screen Update
Running Reports Standard Reports Individual Score Report Score Roster Custom Reports Test Units Reports Units Usage Report Units History Report
PERT Resources The following resources are available on the Test Chairperson website: PERT Test Security Form College Success Florida P.E.R.T Test Administration Guide Paper-Pencil Test Administration Manual Parent Letters Handout on the student transfer function
Contact Information For assistance, please contact: Ms. Mayda Cabeza, Director I Assessment, Research and Data Analysis McCann Help Desk College Success Website: Hours of Operation Monday7:30am – 8pm Tues/Wed/Thurs7:30am – 11pm Friday7:30am – 5:30pm Saturday9am -5pm