The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Induction ELECTRONIC DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION Presented by: IT System Trainer
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Induction What Is eDischarge eDischarge is an electronic Discharge Notification that:- – Improves the transfer of patient care at the point of discharge – Achieves the 24 hour contractual turnaround for GP notification
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Induction Why eDischarge GP has a clear, complete and accurate Admission & Discharge notification within 24 hours of Patient discharge – assuming that the Practice has an address Improved communications for both internal and external agencies Improved accuracy of Patient data Early notification to Pharmacy allowing drug preparation in advance of final discharge Early awareness of planned discharge dates Reduced postage and delivery costs
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Induction Planning and Using eDischarge You can start planning the Patient’s discharge immediately and update the record accordingly – you don’t need to complete it in order The admission/discharge document is ‘live’ throughout admission and can be built up by any authorised person at any point during this time For clarity abbreviations should not be used in free text areas The printed copy will be used by the ward clerk to update PAS with accurate data You can facilitate the Additional Discharge Information field as a tool to negate the need to produce a follow up letter
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Induction
eDischarge Stages 2/3 Sign Offs Required Doctor – Medically Ready for Discharge Pharmacist – Clinical and Technical Check (If drugs are required on discharge) Nurse – Final Checks
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Induction eDischarge Form
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Induction Drugs on Discharge
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Induction Nurse Final Check Print Notifications Print 2 copies
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Induction Points to Remember Access uses clinical web portal password Rollout to wards is complete for inpatient activity Day case activity will be released soon Training manuals are on eDischarge site
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Induction How To Get Your Access To get access to eDischarge you need an NHS.Net account and Clinical Web Portal access. If you don’t have these then you need to speak to your Manager. Once you have both your and portal accounts then you can contact the Training Department so you can be shown how to use the eDischarge system. Numbers to remember: 5909 and 5624
The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Induction Questions IT Project Manager Bally Shoker Extension number 4315 Bleep 3921