Supporting English Language Learners in Elementary Classrooms Co-teaching with mainstream classroom teachers Ann Thorup- Program Consultant, English Language Learners 604-760-6357 Kathie Nakano, ESL Assessment and Helping Teacher 604-664-7232
Agenda for Feb.24 Welcome – Housekeeping issues Review of last meeting How to Manage a Co-teaching Situation Co-teaching strategies (sharing) Reflections and Goals (What next?)
ELL websites
Review of Last Meeting Refer to handout
How to manage a co-teaching situation Choose one teacher with whom you could collaborate and co-teach Get to know colleagues who seem to have teaching philosophies similar to yours Decide who is most likely to work with you
How to manage a co-teaching situation 2. Start small while considering the BIG picture Identify one or two major goals and objectives Have realistic expectations for yourself and your colleagues Share a favourite lesson plan or a sure-fire activity Share a very effective resource only you have access to Offer to teach the first lesson Content goal Language Goal Resources and Materials Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
How to manage a co-teaching situation 3. Begin with a simple dialogue among teachers Take an informal step toward discussing ELLs’ needs Follow up with some great resources
How to manage a co-teaching situation 4. Think creatively Look for “found time” for planning Explore electronic means of communication
Teacher Activities during Co-teaching When the classroom teacher is doing this… The ELL teacher is doing this… Benefits of Collaboration Taking attendance Collecting or reviewing homework or introducing or reviewing a social or study skill Instruction time is increased. Skills-based instruction is integrated into lessons. Distributing papers or other resources Reviewing directions or rules or modeling the first problem in the assignment Instruction time is increased. Examples promote student understanding. Presenting information through lecture or media (PowerPoint, video, or audio clip) Writing down instructions on the board or overhead or repeating or clarifying any difficult concept Content is accessible for all students. Strong connections are made between new and previously learned content. Student understanding is facilitated.
Teacher Activities during Co-teaching When the classroom teacher is doing this… The ELL teacher is doing this… Benefits of Collaboration Giving instructions orally Writing down instructions on the board or overhead or repeating or clarifying any difficult concept Content is accessible for all students. Checking for understanding with large heterogeneous groups of students Checking for understanding with small, homogeneous groups Reteaching can occur without delay. Circulating; providing one-on-one support as needed Providing direct instruction to ELLs one-to-one or in small groups Learning is not merely incidental. Prepping half the class for one side of a debate Prepping ELLs for the opposing side of the debate Instruction time and student engagement are increased.
Teacher Activities during Co-teaching When the classroom teacher is doing this… The ELL teacher is doing this… Benefits of Collaboration Facilitating independent, silent work Circulating and checking for comprehension Reteaching can occur without delay. Providing large-group instruction Circulating, clarifying key concepts or cultural information Culturally challenging information is made understandable. Monitoring the large group as students work on practice material Preteaching or reteaching challenging concepts to a small group of ELLs Student language learning is enhances Facilitating sustained silent reading Reading aloud quietly with a small group or previewing upcoming information Students are exposed to or internalize language structure they will need to apply to independent reading.
Teacher Activities during Co-teaching When the classroom teacher is doing this… The ELL teacher is doing this… Benefits of Collaboration Creating basic lesson plans for standards, objectives, and content curriculum Providing suggestions for language objectives, scaffolding activities, adapting instructional materials Students needs are met through differentiated instruction. Lessons are created to meet the needs of student subgroups. Facilitating stations or groups Facilitating other stations or groups Instructional materials can be tailored to the needs of ELLs. Explaining a new concept Conducting a role play, modeling a concept, or asking clarifying questions Students’ interest and motivation are increased. ELLs are engaged in varied activities Considering enrichment opportunities Considering reinforcement opportunities Everyone works toward essential understanding and skills. More options are available to meet student needs.
Reflections and What Next? What was helpful for you today? What do you need more support with?
Thank you so much for coming today!