Advanced Learning Plan Presentation Woodrow Wilson Academy
What is an Advanced Learning Plan? An ALP is used as a document for guiding advanced programming decisions, accountability, and articulation. It records a student’s strengths, interests, goals, and achievement each year the student is in the Jeffco system.
How is a student placed on an ALP? Multiple points of data are taken into consideration when identifying gifted students. They may include, but are not limited to: – achievement scores, academic profile, portfolios, teacher and parent referrals, and other various pieces that build a body of evidence.
What is the purpose of an ALP? The purpose of the ALP is to promote the development of gifted students’ high potential through proactive programming. The ALP is used as a tool to assist teachers in instructional planning with GT students’ strengths and goals in mind.
What are strength areas? Once a student has been identified as gifted, an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) is created that houses the student’s qualifying data as well as a profile of strengths, which may include verbal reasoning, verbal reading, verbal writing, quantitative, non-verbal, creative, talent, and/or leadership.
Traits of Giftedness In addition to strength areas gifted students often present certain traits. There is an attached list provided on this to allow parents and teachers a chance to familiarize themselves with the common characteristics of gifted children.
What does WWA offer for ALP students? At WWA we do our best to provide appropriate accommodations within our classroom. We DO NOT have a pull-out program or GT resource teacher. Examples of accommodations include: – Advanced math and reading courses – Differentiated instruction to target strength areas – Opportunities to participate in classes of interest: middle school electives
Example of an ALP
Example of ALP continued
How will I know what my child is doing for their ALP? Most ALPs are created at the beginning of the school year with the student and teacher creating goals together. Parents should receive and review the goals during fall parent teacher conferences. Parents will receive updates on student progress three times per year in conjunction with report cards.
What are other resources for parents? The district provides seminars throughout the year for parents. Please refer to their website for more information. ifted_talented/ The district website also provides parents with additional information.
School Options for Gifted and Talented We do our best to provide inclusive accommodations for all students at WWA, however we know one size does not fit all. There are other options for children identified as gifted, including center schools. Below is the link for Gifted and Talented options in Jeffco: /gifted_talented/gt_centers/index.html
Questions If you have questions about the ALP process please contact Shannon Harrington at or ext 381 I am in the office every Wednesday