Chemistry 6/4/15
What kind of “shifts” did you see yesterday? In the popular restaurant model, how could you “shift” the number of people in the restaurant? HW: “Direction of shift” for each System completed Begin looking at the Data Analysis and Concept Development Questions (due Friday) Drill
Objective IWBAT: Apply Le Chatelier’s principle to a lab Determine if a reaction is reactant or product favored
Prepare a data table for Systems 2, 3, and 5 in your lab notebook.
SAFETY – goggles, aprons, closed toe shoes If you spill, wipe down the spill and rinse off hands SET UP – You will be doing two Systems today, two tomorrow DISPOSAL – all waste goes into the proper waste disposal container (in the center) DO NOT THROW AWAY TEST TUBES COMPLETE THE “SHIFT” COLUMN IN THE DATA TABLE. Directions
Cook, Michael ASchluederberg, Katie T Jacobson, SamuelOrzechowski, Ella R Knudson, Zachary ILumsden, Patrick Whitaker, Samuel RHouser, Ashley K Demers, CoryCarey, Jenna L Feinleib, Leanna MChau, Nhu T Walter, Rachel ENelson, Victoria M Sullivan, Paige MGarcia, Immanuel V Kanja, GraceThames, Maya W Hilterbrick, Trevor ATu, Kara G Ahmed, TineerWashington, Orchid Brown, LindseyMcKay, Audrey M Sweet, Sarah E Menjivar Perez, Samuel A Lab Partners
Return to your seat, and classify the shifts for the two Systems. Read over the Data Analysis and Concept Development Questions. Begin answering these questions in your Lab Notebook. Done?
How is equilibrium like a see-saw? What are the “stresses” you added like? How is equilibrium NOT like a see- saw? Closure