Fully functional kidney for sale
Fully functional kidney for sale
Fully functional kidney for sale Although bidding opened on US25$ it reached US$ in 10 days.
Presentation overview I will refute the people’s argument who say that sales of human organs cannot be legalized because it is unethical Erkan will refute con argument that in order to get money people may kill each other and that is why sales of human organs cannot be legalized Finally Musa will finish our presentation by talking about benefits of human organ sale
Is this ethical to see thousands of people’s death?
Is this ethical to see thousands of people’s death? According to NPR organization there were 65.000 people in the waiting list in 2006
Is this ethical to see thousands of people’s death? According to NPR organization there were 65.000 people in the waiting list in 2006 According to US Department of Health and Human services, each day 74 people receive an organ but 400 people die only in US Source: http://www.npr.org/templates/
Amy Freidman, the director of transplantation of SUNY Upstate Medical University says: “Legalizing of sailing of organs is the only way eliminating the long waiting lists and death of these people” Source:http:www.upstate.edu
CON: some people being involved in crimes to get organs in order to gain money. PRO: Restrictions and obligations should be put to prevent illegal sales. 1) The goverment should legislate rules. 2) Restrictions on hospitals 3) Restrictions on doctors. 4) restrictions on donors.
Reference List George J. Annas, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Organ Sales,“ Hastings Center Report, Volume 14 (February 1984), pp. 22-23. Fern S. Chapman, "The Life and Death Questions of an Organ Market,“ Fortune (June 11, 1984), pp. 108-118. Shaheen Borna, "Morality and Marketing Human Organs,“ Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 6 (1987), pp. 37-44.