M INISTRY OF S OUND Sabena Ahmad Iveta Smincakova Dawn Bradbury
M INISTRY OF S OUND Political Economic Social Technological Legal Environmental Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats PESTLE analysis SWOT analysis
P ESTLE ANALYSIS Political : Rule of Conservative Government International relationships enabled UK businesses to spread worldwide Economic: Growing market for dance music beginning 20 th century (34% in 1991) Downfall of UK singles markets to 15.4% in 2002 Technological: Rapidly changing music environment requires investment in new up to date equipment. Social: Expansion of the business worldwide/increase in number of clubs and visitors Festival weekends By 2001 the Ministry’s touring hosting 300 events worldwide e.g. China and India Security dealing drugs to clients in the clubs Environmental: Campaigns against drug use Noise barriers Under age drinking law Legal: No strict legal restrictions for drug use Local laws restricting late night attractions in overseas venues
S WOT A NALYSIS Strengths: Innovative idea of CEO (Dance Club) Convenient location Good educational background/experiences of the founder Investment in sound equipment Internationalization Expansion into broadcasting and traditional advertising Weaknesses: Drug dealing part of the dance culture Inability to keep up with the competition (same music style) Closure of parts of the business as a result of losses Opportunities: Growth of business into different niche market Change of marketing strategy (Logo) Joint venture with 3i Change of corporate strategy after downfall of the company (branding) Three separate division (international brand and marketing) Threats: Competition (Live music, festivals e.g. commercialisation of Glastonbury) New entrants to the market Change in music style Political and economic issues in different countries Loss of credibility – become too mainstream
C RITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS Innovative ideas Long term corporate strategy Clearly defined strategy objectives Globalisation Business environment and resources Management at all organisational levels Market positioning Shared vision and goals (top-down hierarchy)
M AJOR I SSUES Short-term strategic planning Brand positioning Inability to maintain change Narrow market and target audience