Srineeja Patlolla CS-555
Discovered by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman “New Directions in Cryptography” =isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ei=ngd2VPO7IYjjoAT98YDIBw&ved=0CAoQ_AUoA w&dpr=1#imgdii=_
Diffie–Hellman key exchange (D–H) is a specific method of exchanging Cryptographic key.
1. Its easy to mix 2 colors to make a third color. 2. Given a mixed color its hard to reverse it in order to find the exact original colors.
Agree on 2 numbers n and g g is primitive relative mod (n) For each x < n, there is an a such that g a = x mod (n).
Alice: Chooses a large random number x Calculates X = g x mod (n) Sends X, g, and n to Bob. Bob: Chooses a large random number y Calculates Y = g y mod (n) Sends Y to Alice.
Alice:Calculates k = Y x mod (n) Bob:Calculates k’ = X y mod (n)
k’ = k is the shared key k = Y x mod (n) = (g y ) x mod (n) = g yx mod (n) k’ = X y mod (n) = (g x ) y mod (n) = g xy mod (n) Nobody can calculate k given n, g, X, and Y