CA SHAKEOUT DRILL: OCTOBER 16, 10:16AM Presentation for Seniors & People with Disabilities
OVERVIEW Train the Trainer or Presentation Guideline Use the Internet and go to the Seniors/People with Disabilities registration and resources. PowerPoint can be used or provide a one page outline/talking points with the website links. Modify this to be a very short informational training or a longer Train-the-Trainer. For people without Internet access, provide copies of the Seniors/PWD handouts.
OBJECTIVE Engaging Seniors/People with Disabilities (S/PWD) and Others with Access & Functional Needs (AFN): To practice alternatives to “Drop Cover and Hold On” To increase the number of Seniors/PWD being included in preparedness and outreach activities – Register Seniors/PWD individuals and groups for ShakeOut 2014! To offer the –8-page AFN Guide as an educational and training tool –2-page AFN Flyer as an outreach and registration tool –Further resources for those wanting to drill down deeper
BACKGROUND The Great ShakeOut Started in Southern CA in 2008 Coordinated by the EQ Country Alliance (ECA) ECA sector-based committees began in 2010 –Registrant data can help us quantify the numbers of Seniors/PWD who are participating and identify gaps
California is earthquake country… a major earthquake can happen at any time! To protect your life, you need to know what to do in an event of an earthquake. The Great California ShakeOut is an annual statewide earthquake drill for practicing what to do to protect ourselves during earthquakes WHY IMPORTANT?
RESOURCES Earthquake Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities and Other Access or Functional Needs (8 pages) (PDF | RTF)PDFRTF Key Earthquake Safety Tips for People with Disabilities and Other Access or Functional Needs (2 pages) (PDF | RTF)PDFRTF Link to register under the "Disability/AFN”: ShakeOut’s Disability/AFN section: Additional resources:
ShakeOut 60-second Broadcast Drill (video & audio) 2014 Great ShakeOut CommercialShakeOut 60-second Broadcast Drill2014 Great ShakeOut Commercial ShakeOut – ASL version Click to Play: VIDEOS
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (add your name & contact info here) Presentation created by the ShakeOut Seniors/People with Disabilities Committee Thank You for engaging your communities!