Updates of ECD Sub-group ETWG Meeting January 24 th, 2012
ECD Sub-group
Advocacy (Nov-Dec 2011) MICS (Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey) Result sharing and strategic thinking workshops was used as good advocacy opportunity Review on ASEAN standard of ECD service providers is in process (DSW) Multi-sector ECD policy development: TOR is developed. Task force will be organized to work with International Consultant.
Coordination (Nov-Dec 2011) Pyinnya Tazaung Association coordinated with all ECD partners and published ECD news bulletin for ECD teachers Trainers annual conference and preschool teachers conferences were organized where resource persons from ECD subgroup members were shared
Capacity Building Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on ECD Early Experiences Matter: Policies and Practices for Ensuring Holistic Development for Very Young Children organized by ARNEC in 2011 last week of November in Singapore, attended by members and ECD Practitioners. ECD Webinar on Father Involvement in the Care and Development of Children organized by ARNEC (Asia Regional Network for Early Childhood) on 18 th January 2012, participated by 9 members
Piloting Alternative ECD/Parenting Education Designs Referring to the findings of MICS, there are increasing need to serve children from the poorest communities through alternative ways of ECD services and to reach their parents and caregivers.As a result bECD partners have drafted design as follow- Social Action theatre approach PTZA Child to Child alternative approach KMSS Positive deviance inquiry approach Metta/MBC Development of PE songs KBC (Karen) Home based Child Care approach YF Alternative approach for hard to reach communities SC Piloting CLC based PE UNESCO
Key Activities for 2012 Key ActivitiesCoordinatorTime line Development of Advocacy MessagesUNICEF and SCJan-Mar12 M&E system developmentKBC (Karen)Jan-Mar12 Development of Pre-test and Post test questionnaire for preschool teachers MBCJan-Mar12 Multi-sector ECD Policy DevelopmentDSW and UNICEFMay-Dec12 Participating in e-discussions on Exploring Father Involvement in the Care and Development of Children and upcoming Webinars by ARNEC MembersFeb-Dec12 Pilot testing Alternative ECD designsMembersJan-Dec12 Advocacy at State/Region Meetings (MICS/ECD)UNICEF and SCJan-Dec 12 Media Talk on ECD Concept with celebrities on MRTV-4 DSW and SCApril-Sept12 Development of In service teacher moduleDEPT and UNICEFOct-Dec12