A:B: stomachliver A digestive organ that is not part of the alimentary canal is the: C:D: small intestinepharynx
B liver
A:B: stomachsmall intestine The digestive organ that is in charge of water reabsorption is the: C:D: large intestinenephron
C large intestine
A:B: pancreassmall intestine Pancreatic juice is a mixture of digestive enzymes that is released into the: C:D: stomachliver
B small intestine *What region of the small intestine?
A:B: gall bladderspleen The structure in the digestive system that stores bile is the: C:D: Small intestineliver
A gall bladder
A:B: stomachliver Which of the following digestive organs is an accessory organ? C:D: small intestinemouth
B liver
A:B: small intestinelarge intestine Villi are finger-like projections that are found in the lining of the: C:D: esophaguspancreas
A small intestine
A:B: masticationperistalsis Elimination of indigestible material from the body as feces is: C:D: defecationindigestion
C defecation
A:B: chymea bolus The food that is partially digested in the stomach is known as: C:D: pepsinHCl
A chyme
A:B: ileumduodenum The main portions of the stomach are the fundus, body and the: C:D: sigmoidpylorus
D pylorus
A:B: villimicrovilli Deep folds of the inner lining of the stomach that allow it to stretch are: C:D: rugaecircular folds
C rugae
A:B: serosamuscularis externa The layer of the GI tract that is responsible for the actions of segmentation and peristalsis is: C:D: mucosasubmucosa
B muscularis externa
A:B: bodyfundus Where in the stomach does the most digestive activity occur? C:D: pyloruscardiac region
C pylorus
A:B: Ileocecal valvepyloric valve The valve between the esophagus and stomach is the: C:D: cardioesophageal valvehepatic duct
C Cardioesophageal valve
A:B: HCllipase The enzyme that digests proteins when activated is: C:D: amylasepepsin
D pepsin
A:B: stomachsmall intestine Only one organ produces enzymes capable of digestive all 4 major food groups. What organ is this? C:D: pancreasliver
C pancreas
A:B: stomachsmall intestine Name the organ where starch digestion begins: C:D: oral cavityesophagus
C oral cavity
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