Fuel Induction Systems for S.I. Engines P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department Right and Metered amount of Fuel per cycle…...
The Role of Fuel Induction System : S.I. Engine The tasks of the fuel induction systems are; to introduce right amount of fuel @ specified schedule. This schedule must be in agreement with allowable Heat Release Rate and duration of combustion. to prepare a mixture that satisfies the requirement of the engine using ambient air and fuel. This preparation is to be carried out over entire engine operating regime. In principle, the optimum air-fuel ratio for an engine is that which give the required power output with the lowest fuel consumption. It should also ensure smooth and reliable operation.
Types of Fuel Induction Systems : SI Engines The fuel Induction systems used in SI engine are classified as: Carburetors. Throttle body Fuel Injection Systems. Multi Point Fuel Injection Systems. Direct Gasoline Injection System
Evolution of Fuel Inductions Systems : SI Engines – First Generation
Evolution of Fuel Inductions Systems : SI Engines – Second Generation
Evolution of Fuel Inductions Systems : Third Generation
Evolution of Fuel Inductions Systems : Next Generation
Carbureted S.I. Engines There are some very obscure auto makers, primarily in Africa and Russia, who still build cars with carburetors. These cars are typically designs that have been purchased from their original manufacturers and remade for a new market. To keep expenses down, these auto makers avoid computer controls and use mechanical components such as a carburetor on their cars to make them more easily repairable. Many motorcycles, are one of the last holdouts of the factory production carburetors today.
Jul 31, 2006 : New motorbike technology bids goodbye to the carburettor On June 26, Hero Honda, for the first time in India, launched the fuel injection (FI) technology in two-wheelers under the brand name Glamour FI.
Air-Fuel Supply Systems : Carbureted S.I. Engines
Thermo-flow Model for Carburetor 1
One dimensional Isentropic Flow Through A Venturi
Reversible Subsonic Flow Nozzle : Venturi pthroat p1 = p2s > pthroat p1 p1 p2s p
Real Flow Through A Venturi pthroat p2a < p2s p1 p1 p2s p p2a
Practical Carburetor Venturi
Actual Air Flow Through Venturi Where Fuel Flow Through Orifice
Carburetor Performance
Carburetor Performance
Carburetor Performance
Control of Equivalence Ratio using Carburetor
Modern Carburetor