Recallable Tag Discussion Bud Freeman When are they used? What are the implications?
2 Transaction type option set to “recallable” Energy Product type option set to “C-RE” Operating Reserve Supplemental-Yes Operating Reserve-Spinning ??? INT-011 Ten Minute Recallable E-Tag Functionality for Reserves
3 Operating Reserves Spinning Bal-002-R2 “Reserve that is immediately and automatically responsive to frequency deviations though the action of a governor or other control system” “Reserve that is capable of fully responding within ten minutes
4 Capacity is Synchronized If a BA agrees to synchronize capacity can it be sold as spin? How is spin vs non spin differentiated on a tag?
5 E-Tag Product Codes INT-018 G-NF Non-firm energy G-FC Firm Contingent G-FP Firm Provisional Energy Do these product codes require a recallable Tag?
6 Reserve Obligations 100% of the reserve obligation is transferred with a G- NF, G-FC and a G-FP 100 MW transaction transfers 100 mw reserve obligation.