DISASTER RESPONSE AND PREPAREDNESS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA A Guide to International Tools and Services Available to Governments Noroarisoa Rakotomalala-Rakotondrandria Abidjan, 9 June
Why we developed the Guide ? Recurrent hazards in Southern Africa Change of humanitarian dynamics in the region Enhance of knowledge capabilities of NDMAs and their local partners Reference document to national partners
Process in developing the Guide ? Coordination – Task team (OCHA) Used Reference documents (Asia and Latin America) and adaptation to Southern Africa Context Consultation with RIASCO, SADC and USAID on the inputs
How the Guide is organised? 4 1.International Humanitarian Architecture 2.International Humanitarian Actors (UN, IFRC/ICRC, 3.International Humanitarian Coordination Mechanisms 4.International Tools and Services for Disaster Response -Technical team (IARRM, UNDAC, USAR, RDRT/FACT/ERU, Bilateral Technical Response Team) -Technical Services Mobilization -Financial Resource Mobilization -Information Management and Needs assessment
5) International Tools and Services for Disaster Response Preparedness - Technical training (UNDAC, INSARAG, UM CMCoordination, EEC) -Readiness planning (legal, Integrated preparedness packages and Missions, National Incident Management Systems) 6) Summary Table of International Tools and Services Available to Governments 5
What next? 6 1.Translate the Guide in Portuguese and French 2.Develop poster (SOP based on the Guide) 3.SADC Secretariat and OCHA will do revision in Prepare another guide on how to provide humanitarian aid
Thank you 7