Smarter Balanced Training George Crawford School Union 103 March 9, 2015
How We Feel As Teachers, too! The purpose of this presentation is to help clear up some of the confusion about the Smarter Balance Testing for Teachers and Ed Techs.
A Little Background……………………… The Smarter Balanced Assessment was developed by a consortium of states to measure how students are achieving the Common Core Standards. It is designed to measure the level of achievement of students in Grades 3-8 and also Grade11 in Mathematics, ELA/Literacy, and Writing. It has been controversial in some circles. This is the first national “try” in giving the tests and there may be some glitches.
The View From Maine Maine is calling its implementation of the “Smarter Balanced Assessment” the “Maine Educational Assessment” recycling an old name. The “Maine Educational Assessment” for Grades 3-8 and 11 consists of two components: Smarter Balanced Test -(Computer Adaptive Test) and (Performance Task) Used for Math and ELA/Literacy for Grades 3-8 & 11 Testing Window is Between March 16th - March 29th Maine Educational Assessment- (Paper & Pencil Test) The MEA will be used for Science in Grades 5 AND 8 Testing Window is Between May 4th to May 22nd
Smarter Balanced for Math and ELA /Literacy I am going to call for purposes of this presentation the Math and ELA /Literacy section of the MEA the “Smarter Balanced” due to it being computerized and new for everyone.
Assessments and Time Frame for Smarter Balanced Two Parts for ELA /Literacy - 1. Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) - 1 hour 30 minutes for Grades Performance Task (PT) – (Testing) 2 Hours, and Class Activity Before Performance Task - 30 Minutes Two Parts for Mathematics - Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) - 1Hour 30Min for Grades 3-5, 2 Hours for Grades 6-8 Performance Task (PT) – (Testing) 1 Hour, Class Activity Before the Performance Task - 30 Minutes
Roles for School Personnel aka Alphabet Soup Roles for Staff 1. District System Administrator (DSA) Beals – Chris Crowley Jonesport – Debra Lay Moosabec CSD – Mike Kelley or Debra Lay 2. School Test Coordinator (SC) Beals – Chris Crowley Jonesport Elementary – Debra Lay JBHS – Mike Kelley 3. Test Administrators (TA) School Teachers and School Staff (Ed Techs) Designated by School Test Coordinator Must pass online training and certification before testing. Food Chain: DSA --- SC --- TA --- Students
How The Smarter Balance Tests are Different than the NECAPS and old MEAs Computer Adaptive (Like the NWEAs) Enhanced Access (Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations) “Technology Enhanced” Test Items Performance Tasks (Scripted Class Activities by Grade Level and Subject) with a Follow Up Online Activity Writing for ALL Grades 3-8 Tests Can Be Given to Different Students at Different Times. Tests Can Be Started and Stopped. Longer Testing Window
Recommend that Grade 3-8 Students Complete 66% of the School Year Before Administering (After the 116 th School Day) Results Should Be Available in June in Reporting Portal
Smarter Balanced Tests that Will Be Available for Teachers to Get Ready Practice Tests - The Practice Tests allow students, parents, educators and the public to experience a full grade-level assessment and gain insight into how the Maine Educational Assessment for Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy developed by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium will assess students’ mastery of Maine’s mathematics and English language arts standards. The practice tests mirror the year-end assessment. Each grade level assessment includes a variety of question types and difficulty (approximately 30 items each in mathematics and ELA) as well as a mathematics and ELA performance task at each grade level (3–8 and 11).
Smarter Balanced Tests that Will Be Available for Teachers to Get Ready Training Tests - The Training Tests are designed to provide students and teachers with opportunities to quickly familiarize themselves with the software and navigational tools that they will use on the upcoming Maine Educational Assessment for Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy developed by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. The training test is organized by grade bands (grades 3 to 5, 6 to 8 and high school) and each test contains questions. The questions on the training test were selected to provide students with an opportunity to practice a range of question types. The training tests do not contain performance tasks.
Smarter Balanced Tests that Will Be Available for Teachers to Get Ready Practice Performance Tasks- The “Practice” Performance Tasks include a “scripted” class activity that teachers will complete with the students in their classroom. There are different ones for different grade levels and for different grade levels. Example: There is a Practice Performance Task for Grade 3 ELA and another for Grade 3 Math. Once the “Performance Task” is completed in the classroom, students will asked questions about the Performance Task online. This is to be done within a day or two after completing the Performance Task in Class. Actual “Smarter Balanced” Performance Tasks will follow the same format. tests
Two Types of Available Assessments – “The Real Thing” Interim Tests - These can be used for “informative” assessments in your classroom. Some of these must be hand scored. There will be teacher training for hand scoring if teachers are interested. Think of this as a bank of assessments you can use in your classroom. Summative Tests - These will be the tests that count for the state and for NCLB, etc. like the regular old NECAPs and MEAs. These are given in March to May. These includes the Smarter Balanced for Math and ELA and the paper and pencil MEA for Science. THE STATE WILL NOT BE GIVING OUT THEIR ANNUAL A- F REPORT CARDS NEXT YEAR ( ) DUE TO THE SMARTER BALANCED/MEA BEING SO DIFFERENT FROM THE OLD NECAP TESTS.
Technology Aspect for Teachers 1.Teachers and Ed Techs administering the Smarter Balanced need to become “certified” Test Administrators by undergoing an online training. You should have received a link in your school to activate your account to log into TIDE. TIDE is the (Test Information Distribution Engine). This is what you will use to administer the Smarter Balanced along with the TDS (Test Delivery System.) 2. Student will being taking the Smarter Balanced on a Secure Browser that has been installed on the school laptops at Beals and the desktops in the Grades 3 and 4, Grades 5 and 6, and Special Education Classrooms. At Jonesport Elementary, it is installed on the desktops in the Computer Lab. It is also on all the MLTI laptops at all schools.
Suggested Action Steps 1. Watch Powerpoints for students off State Portal to get students used to interface and tools on tests Have Students complete practice tests to get used to tools and testing format. x?c=Maine_PT Practice tests are also available in the Secure Browser. 3. Training for teachers and Ed Techs acting as TAs Check the state Portal page to check for trainings and webinar information LINKS FOR THE MEA AND SMARTER BALANCED SITE ARE OFF OF THE BEALS SCHOOL HOMEPAGE AT USE THE MAINE STATE PAGES BEFORE THE NATIONAL SB ONE!
Links to Help Yourself and Your Students All links are found on the webpage below: 1. Embedded Universal Tools and Online Features. (PPTX, 10MB) This module will help students to prepare to use the embedded universal tools and online features when taking the online assessments. 2. Performance Task Overview. (PPTX, 10MB) This module provides an introduction to the Performance Task and Classroom Activity components of the assessment. 3. Student Interface for Online Testing. (PPTX, 13MB) This module is designed to help Test Administrators (TAs) understand the interface students will use to take the online test. It covers how to log in and select a test, the test layout and tools, and test navigation. Non-narrated version 4. Test Administration Overview. (PPTX, 9MB) This module is designed to help participating district and school staff prepare to administer online assessments. It will provide a high-level overview and discuss the steps necessary to prepare for testing. Non-narrated version
Links to Help Yourself and Your Students All links are found on the webpage below: 5. Test Administrator (TA) Interface for Online Testing. (PPTX, 8MB) This module is designed to help Test Administrators (TAs) understand the interface they will use to administer the online test. It covers how to use the TA Interface to start and run a test session, viewing and editing student test settings and accessibility resources, monitoring the testing process, pausing and stopping a test session, transferring sessions between and mobile devices, printing test session information, and exiting and logging out of the TA Interface. 6. Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE System). (PPTX, 8MB) This is designed to help navigate the TIDE system. This module includes examples of all features on TIDE such as activating a new account, login, navigating the TIDE interface, managing user accounts, managing student test registrations and rosters. Non- narrated version