Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Webinar Series SSVF and the 2014 HMIS Data Standards 9/24/2014 Audio can be accessed through the following conference line: Toll-free: Access Code:
Webinar Format Webinar will last approximately 1.5 hours Participants’ phone connections are “muted” due to the high number of callers –Questions can be submitted during the webinar using the chat function Questions can also be submitted anytime to 2
How to Submit Questions during the Webinar 3 Open and hide your control panel Submit questions and comments via the Questions panel Note: Today’s presentation is being recorded and will be posted onto SSVF University. Your Participation
SSVF Hot Topics 4
Objectives Prepare for final FY14 uploads in October Provide an overview of –What to expect in HMIS after the transition –How the Repository upload process will change –Data collection and quality requirements in FY15 5
Preparing for October Uploads This will be the final upload for FY14 Data should be complete and correct through September 30 on September 30 The Repository will be open for test uploads between now and the end of September to check data quality Depending on how the transition is being handled in your HMIS, you may need to export on September 30 6
Questions about Final FY14 Uploads? 7
FY14 Annual Report Data quality for October uploads is important Data uploaded in October will be used to produce the SSVF Annual Report and is the only basis the program has for accurate counts of participants and evaluating outcomes for FY14 A successful upload for every grantee is critical 8
The 2014 HMIS Data Standards Jointly published by HUD, VA, and HHS The result of a collaborative process HUD and VA are working together to establish protocols for answering HUD Exchange AAQ questions related to VA programs, managing communications, etc. 9
What to Expect in October October 1 is the effective date of the new data standards, but this is more likely to be a process than an event Depending on HMIS, participants active on October 1 may need to be updated or re-entered Some existing projects (formerly known as programs) in HMIS may be separated (HP and RRH) or combined (new data standards allow multiple CoCs per project) 10
Repository There are new XML and CSV export formats for the new data standards For at least the first few months of FY15, the Repository will only be able to process CSV uploads We do not know yet if this is temporary or permanent If at all possible, the new upload process will be available for test of FY15 uploads prior to November 1 11
Data Validation Processes Will be more streamlined There will be fewer reasons for rejection, but more emphasis on data quality Name, DOB, and other identifying information is required (not optional) for grantees or participants 12
Questions about the HMIS Transition or Repository Changes? 13
New Data Collection Guidance The VA Data Guide has been updated Provides SSVF-specific information about each required data element Guidance on how and when to enter services and financial assistance 14
Two HMIS Projects per Grant Every grant will need both an HP and an RRH project set up in HMIS Households will be enrolled in SSVF under the HP or RRH project based on the head of household’s housing status 15
Head of Household Usually the eligible Veteran Mandatory that every participant household has one (and only one) head of household identified 16
Client Location / CoC Code Mandatory for head of household at every project entry There is a tool online that, given an address, will identify the CoC Code for the address Instructions for using the tool are in the VA Data Guide 17
Residential Move-In Date for RRH This information makes it possible to determine which RRH participants have moved into permanent housing and when. This is important for the HIC and Point-In-Time Counts. It will also provide information about how long it typically takes from the time of project entry to move participants into housing. 18
Veteran Information Collected consistent with VA HOMES database 19
Length of Time on Street, in an Emergency Shelter, or Safe Haven Record responses for all adults at project entry. This information is used, in conjunction with other data (Disabling Condition, etc.) to identify chronically homeless participants. 20
Questions about New Data Collection Requirements? 21
Grantee Roles Before October 1 –Make sure data entry for FY14 is up to date and accurate –Test your upload in the Repository –Review the guidance in the VA Data Guide for each data element After October 1 (and after your final upload!) –Update active records with 2014 data 22
HMIS Leads / Vendors Set up separate RRH and HP projects for each grant if they are not already split Projects created for separate CoCs may be combined or retired Data collection set up consistent with data standards Develop export processes 23
Review For now, the most important data-related task is making sure that the October upload goes well Full implementation of the new data standards will be a process, not a single event Ask questions if you have them: 24
Additional Questions? SSVF Program Office Phone: Website: 25