Savanna The Savanna has a lot of grass but little trees. The Animals are a bison,elephant,giraffes,zebras,wild beast. The Savanna is found in parts of Africa. The yearly rainfall is 25 to 75cm. it has 10 29.5in.of rain. Average Temperature Summer:30 degrees celcius (86 degrees farenhight ).Winter:0 degrees celcuis
Tropical Rainforest Many different animals live in the canopy 1400 species live in the Rainforest Different types of birds live in the Rainforest The soil in the Tropical Rainforest has nutrient-rich soil. The sunlight reaches barley to the ground so the plant at the bottem do not need that much sunlight The AverageYearly rainfall is up to 400cm (157.5in) Average Temperature Daytime:34 degrees celcius nighttime: 20 degrees celcius
Tundra There are 2 different types of Tundras Polar Tundra and the Alpine Tundra. The Polar Tundra the soil in the Polar Tundra is frozen underneath.The layer is called Permafrost. Alpine Tundra has a lot of mountains and trees can not grow on it. The Tundra has a lot of bugs like mosquitoes. It also has musk,oxen,wolves,and caribou.
Desert The desert is a very hot and dry land . The plants in the desert are cactus store water in there stem and roots . Animals in desert are jack rabbits, kangaroo rats,and lizards. All the animals and plants have some traits to keep them cool. Average Temperature Summer:38 degrees celcius Winter:7 degrees celcius. Average Yearly Rainfall less than 25cm(10in)
Forests The forest is found in mild temperatures and plenty of rain. The animals found in the forest is bears,snaked,racoons,rabbits,deer,and birds.