Samuel Nguiffo Yaoundé, June 22, 2015 Chinese links to forest governance issues in Africa: A view from Cameroon
Chinese presence in Cameroon China, a « new » partner of Cameroon? The encounter of two dreams : rapid economic growth (with China as a model) and economic expansion (to meet the needs of the biggest economy in the world)
Chinese influence on forest Governance China, main destination of timber from Cameroon (for round logs, 500,000 cubic meters on a total export of 700,000) China not (yet?) part of the ongoing Voluntary Partnership Agreement discussion aiming at production and trade of legal wood China, main destination for timber with illegal or suspicious origin « Chinese » companies involved in illegal or controversial logging
Chinese investments in other sectors and forestry Increased presence of Chinese investments in the infrastructure sector in Cameroon… … Resulting into unprecedented forest conversion… In a context characterized by a poor system of timber rights allocation and monitoring
Are Chinese investments a problem to forests in Cameroon? Chinese investments are not very well known They are growing fast, but not as big as often announced (debt, investments, companies’ presence, etc.) They are part of a partnership between well experienced firms/State and a weak State (weak norms, poor environmental and social standards, limited capacity of monitoring) They reveal the weak capacity of the State
Impact on forest governance No direct impact of large Chinese companies on forest governance in Cameroon No major logging company holding title Companies in the extractive or infrastructure sectors are indirectly responsible of intensive logging and forest conversion Small « chinese » companies involved in logging with no permit, including of protected species The major impact seems to be caused by the capacity of the Government to appropriately allocate and monitor timber rights (It never happened with this magnitude in such a short term)
Targeting Chinese Investments alone will not resolve the problem The main lesson learned from Chinese investments’ impact on the forestry sector is that there is a clear need to change the conditions of forest governance in the whole country, for all the actors, and not only for the Chinese
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