SDLG Sales Convention After-Market
After-Market, as a competitive differential on in the Simple Tech segment of the wheel loader market in Latin America
After-Market Product Warranty Parts Services Training
Product Designed based on the Simple Tech concept, requirements like power, robustness, ease of operation, comfort and safety are among the parameters adopted in the construction of SDLG wheel loaders.
Product Objective: Establish communication standard by way of signage and drawings! - Identification of safety stickers Placement of stickers Compliance with legislation
Garantia - Ferramenta de controle de qualidade. - Melhoramento continuo nos produtos. 1 ano sem limites de horas
Warranty - Pre-delivery inspection. Technical delivery. 100-hour review. Standard SDLG forms!
Warranty Technical delivery report Contract between customer and distributor! - Warranty terms and conditions Warranty inclusions and exclusions Responsibilities of buyer and seller
Spare Parts Availability of parts = Machine uptime
Spare Parts Parts catalog Electronic parts catalog Suitable literature = Machine uptime
Spare Parts Adequate planning! “Order to delivery” Period 1 = Before process improvements. Period 2 = After process improvements.
Services available and qualified mecanics = Machine uptime * Estimado! Current equipment population - 650 Average of 1 exclusive mechanic for every 50 machines! Average of 1 trained mechanic for every 8 machines!
Services Adequate Technical Literature = Machine uptime Service Catalogs Component Catalogs Electrical Service Catalogs O&M Catalogs
Preventive maintenance = Machine uptime Services Preventive maintenance = Machine uptime Preventive maintenance plan, mandatory during warranty period! Mandatory 100-h maintenance
Qualified Work Force = machine uptime Training Qualified Work Force = machine uptime Service technician training Target audience : Mechanics and technical consultants Demand : Technical services for SDLG products
Training Training “Super Users” Target audience : Managers and technical consultants Demand : Address after-market needs, in terms of Technical issues and product doubts, disseminating SDLG knowledge in distributors.
SDLG After-Market Mission : Provide high level of equipment uptime and services to our customers. Through high reliability products and a network of distributors in Latin America, with well-sized parts inventory, trained and qualified mechanics and plant support!
The End Thank you!